At STP,a container has 1 mole of Ar,2 moles of CO2,3 moles of O2 and 4 moles of N2.Without changing the total pressure if one mole of O2 is removed,the partial pressure of O2
Rise in vapour pressure of water from 30 to 60°C is only 32 torr to 149.4 torr (117.4 torr) but from 60 to 90°C is 149.4 to 527.8 torr (378.4 torr).it is due to
In the formation of NaCl crystals from its aqueous solution, its cubic shape is changed to needle like when 10% urea is present as impurity, this phenomenon is called as
Gas is enclosed in a container of 20cm3 with the moving piston. According to kinetic theory of gases, what is the effect on freely moving molecules of the gas if temperature is increased from 20°C to 100C.