1 |
People do not care for environmetn problems because of. |
- A. Lack of education
- B. Fear of taxes
- C. Proverty
- D. a and c of the above
2 |
Environment includes. |
- A. Ecosystem
- B. Wildlife
- C. Forests
- D. All of the above
3 |
Forest cover in Pakistanis. |
4 |
Litracy rate is lower in |
- A. Males
- B. Females
- C. Urban Areas
- D. B and C above
5 |
Life expectency in Pakistan is |
6 |
Many People do not send their children to schools because of |
- A. Their own illiteracy
- B. Harsh teahers
- C. Poverty
- D. All of the above
7 |
The percentage of our labour force workign in agricultureis. |
- A. 13%
- B. 24%
- C. 33%
- D. 43%
8 |
Public spending on health is |
- A. Less than 1%
- B. More than 1 but less than 2%
- C. More than 2 but less than 3%
- D. More than 3
9 |
Private sector participation is expending in. |
- A. Education
- B. Health
- C. Environment
- D. a and b of the above
10 |
The government spends on education percentage of GDP |