1 |
Flxible exchange rate sytem has the advantage. |
- A. Automatic adjustment of balcne of payments
- B. Easy to borrow form world bank
- C. Encouragds exports
- D. None of the above
2 |
If TOYOTA Company estalishes a factory in Pakistan this will be recorded in balance of payments in the section. |
- A. Capital account
- B. Visible balnce
- C. Invisible balnce
- D. Official financing
3 |
IMF has given loan to Pakistan. It wilimprove Pakistan's |
- A. Current account
- B. Capital Account
- C. Overall balance of payments
- D. B and c above
4 |
Exports of goods is called trade in |
- A. Visible good
- B. Invisibel goods
- C. Basic goods
- D. None real goods
5 |
A country does not trade with othr contries is called an economy |
- A. Open
- B. Closed
- C. Independent
- D. None
6 |
If CDA gets a loan from world bank for roads it willbe recorded in the balnce of payments in section. |
- A. Capital account
- B. Visible balance
- C. Invisible balance
- D. Offiicial financing
7 |
Exchange rate for currencies is determined by supply and demand in system of. |
- A. Fixed exchange
- B. flexible
- C. Constatn
- D. Regulated
8 |
In GNP of pakistan rises. It will encourage |
- A. Exports
- B. Imports
- C. Both
- D. None
9 |
Which of the following compares everage pricw of exports to avarage Price of imports. |
- A. Balance of payments
- B. Balance of trade
- C. Terms of trade
- D. Exchange of rate
10 |
The receipt of payments for goods exported and imported are counted in . |
- A. Capital Account
- B. Trade Account
- C. Current account
- D. Monetary account