1 |
This is not a Principal of taxation |
- A. Principal of equality
- B. Pricipal of secracy
- C. Principal of adequacy
- D. Principal of convenience
2 |
Which of the followign tax is best example of ability to pay principle of taxes |
- A. excise tax on cigratettes
- B. Highway tolltax
- C. Personal income tax
- D. Proportional sales tax
3 |
Govt. prepares its budget |
- A. Weekly
- B. Montly
- C. Quarterly
- D. Annually
4 |
In Pakistan Income tax is |
- A. Progressive tax
- B. Regressive tax
- C. Proportional tax
- D. Fixed tax
5 |
Oneof he following is NOT a feature of private finance. |
- A. Balancing of incoem and expenditure
- B. Secrecy
- C. Publicity
- D. Saving some part of income
6 |
The most important source of income of a goernemnt is. |
- A. Foreign loans
- B. Taxes
- C. Printing of new money
- D. Sale of governemnt property
7 |
It is direct tax |
- A. Excise tax
- B. Sales tax
- C. Income tax
- D. Custom duty
8 |
Which one of the NOT a principle of taxation |
- A. Principle of equality
- B. Pricniple of morality
- C. Principleof certainty
- D. Principle of diversity
9 |
Prograssive taxes |
- A. Are harmful for the economy
- B. Bring equality in distributio of income
- C. Compel rich people to be honest
- D. Decrease evasion of taxes
10 |
Whom of the followng propounded principles of taxation |
- A. Keynes
- B. Adam Smith
- C. Marshall
- D. Ghazali