1 |
Estimate of Pakistan's population for 2013 is |
- A. 185 million
- B. 285 million
- C. 385 million
- D. 485 million
2 |
According to Malthus, population increase by |
- A. arithmetic progression
- B. geometric progression
- C. systematic progression
- D. automatic progression
3 |
x = f (y). |
- A. x is a dependent variable.
- B. y is a dependent variables
- C. x and y are dependents variables.
- D. None of the three
4 |
About labour we can say with certainty that it is |
- A. Perishable
- B. Hirable
- C. Reliable
- D. all of the above
5 |
Labour input includes |
- A. inventor
- B. innovator
- C. unskilled worker
- D. all of the above
6 |
To reduce unemployment the govt. may |
- A. reduce money supply
- B. reduce mobility of labour
- C. reduce minimum wages
- D. increase government spending
7 |
Underemployment of labour means |
- A. a worker does not get full time job
- B. a worker is not happy with present job
- C. a person does not get job according to his qualification
- D. a and c of above
8 |
All labour is |
- A. homogeneous
- B. heterogeneous
- C. lazy
- D. intelligent
9 |
Mobility of labour |
- A. increases efficiency of labour
- B. decreases wages of labour
- C. increases division of labour
- D. a and c of above
10 |
y = 20-5 x this function is. |
- A. Increasing function
- B. Decreasing function
- C. Constant function
- D. Exponential function