1 |
Buyers and sellers under perfect competition are. |
- A. The same in number
- B. Large in number
- C. Small in number
- D. None of the above
2 |
In the business world |
- A. a firm working under perfect competition wants to become a monopoly
- B. a firm working under monopoly wants to become a competitive firm
- C. monopoly price is always higher than competitive price
- D. competitive price is always higher than monopoly price
3 |
Common market of SAARC countries will be called: |
- A. International market
- B. National market
- C. Regional market
- D. None of the three
4 |
Extent of market mainly depends upon. |
- A. Availability of means of transport and communication
- B. Nature of supply
- C. Government restriction
- D. Perishable goods
5 |
Different kinds of imperfect competition are. |
- A. Monopoly
- B. Monopolistic competition
- C. Oligopoly
- D. All the three
6 |
Different prices are charged from different customers of the same product. This is called. |
- A. Short run price
- B. Price instability
- C. Price discrimination
- D. Long run price
7 |
A monopolist is always interested and obtains. |
- A. Normal profit
- B. Subnormal profit
- C. Continues production even at loss
- D. Super normal profit
8 |
The market of cars is. |
- A. International market
- B. Regional market
- C. Local market
- D. Domestic market
9 |
Marginal revenue is always less than price at all levels of output in |
- A. perfect competition
- B. monopoly
- C. both A and B
- D. none of the above
10 |
How many types of markets according to time |