1 |
Annual production of timber in Pakistan is: |
- A. Much less than demand
- B. More than demand
- C. According to our demand
- D. Not according to our demand
2 |
Desert regions soils contain: |
- A. Very small quantity of organic matter
- B. Excessive organic matter
- C. No amount of organic matter
- D. May have littleorganic matter
3 |
How much area of Punjab province is under forests? |
- A. 3.3 million hectares
- B. 5.0 million hectares
- C. 10.0 million hectares
- D. Very small area
4 |
In Pied-mount soils, often: |
- A. Clayey material is found excessively
- B. Stones and sand is excessive
- C. Loamy material is in abundance
- D. Alluvium is absent
5 |
In Pakistan, due to variation in distribution in rainfall: |
- A. Dense forest are found
- B. Grassland is found
- C. Different types vegetation is found
- D. Uniform vegetation is found
6 |
In Pakistan, to fulfil the demand of timber: |
- A. It is not imported
- B. It is imported
- C. It can be imported
- D. Its import is not necessary
7 |
Natural vegetation of any region depends upon: |
- A. Climate of the are
- B. Types of soil
- C. Human intervention
- D. Physiography of the area
8 |
Human intervention and other factors: |
- A. Affect on the growth of forests
- B. Do not affect the growth of forests
- C. May affect the growth of forests
- D. Limit the growth of forests
9 |
Composition of desert regions soil is: |
- A. Sandy in nature
- B. Clayeyin nature
- C. Loamyin nature
- D. Siltyin nature
10 |
How much area of Pakistan is under forests: |
- A. 15 percent
- B. 4.8 percent
- C. 25 percent
- D. 50 percent