1 |
Length of common boderline of Pakistan & Iran is: |
- A. 832 Km
- B. 810 Km
- C. 900 Km
- D. 500 Km
2 |
Date of Independence of Pakistan is: |
- A. 14th August, 1947
- B. 15th August,1947
- C. 30th August,1947
- D. 1st June,1947
3 |
Length of common borderline of Pakistan & China is: |
- A. 592 Km
- B. 600Km
- C. 900Km
- D. 750Km
4 |
How many administrative districts KPK possesses ? |
- A. 26districts
- B. 30districts
- C. 50districts
- D. 35districts
5 |
Length of southern boderline of Pakistan is: |
- A. 1,500 Km
- B. 1,000 Km
- C. 1,200 Km
- D. 1,250 Km
6 |
Which sea is located in south of Pakistan? |
- A. Bay of Bengal
- B. Persian Gulf
- C. Arabian Sea
- D. Mediterranean Sea
7 |
Area of Pakistan is: |
- A. 7,96,096 sq Km
- B. 8,95,095 sq Km
- C. 5,75,095 sq Km
- D. 3,10,403 sq Km
8 |
Length of Pak-Afghanistan borderline is: |
- A. 2200 Km
- B. 1800Km
- C. 1850Km
- D. 2640Km
9 |
Maximum length of Pakistan is: |
- A. 1,800 Km
- B. 1,900 Km
- C. 1,850 Km
- D. 1,600 Km
10 |
Length of common borderline of Pakistan & Iran is: |
- A. 832 Km
- B. 810 Km
- C. 900 Km
- D. 500 Km