1 |
World's percent coal reserves are present in the continent of: |
- A. Africa
- B. Asia
- C. Europe
- D. Australia
2 |
In lignite coal, carbon content may be: |
- A. Only 10 percent
- B. 45 - 65percent
- C. Up to 25percent
- D. Up to 90percent
3 |
In 18th century, due to invention of steam engine & engineering industry: |
- A. Spurred enormous growth in the coal use
- B. Use of coal increased a little
- C. No change took place in coal use
- D. Coal use became less
4 |
In anthracite coal, pure carbon content is: |
- A. 50 percent
- B. 25 percent
- C. 80 percent
- D. 92 to 95 percent
5 |
World's 80percent coal production consists of: |
- A. Bituminous coal
- B. Lignitecoal
- C. Anthracitecoal
- D. Browncoal
6 |
World's total estimated coal reserves are: |
- A. 891.531 billion metric tons
- B. 5 trillionmetric tons
- C. 10 trillion metric tons
- D. 15 trillion metric tons
7 |
In the world, coal reserves are present: |
- A. In 50 countries
- B. In 70countries
- C. In 100countries
- D. In 150countries
8 |
Coal reserves of Europe and Russian Federation are, world's total reserves: |
- A. 20 percent
- B. 30percent
- C. 50percent
- D. 44percent
9 |
Coal, petroleum, natural gas, nuclear energy and solar energy are: |
- A. Important means of energy
- B. Not means of energy
- C. Nominal means of energy
- D. Unimportant means of energy
10 |
In 19th century, due to use of petroleum and natural gas: |
- A. Demand of coal became less
- B. No change took place in demand of coal
- C. Coal demand increased
- D. Coal mining was almost stopped