Analytical Test for HEC HAT 3 Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences MCQs With Answers

Question # 1
Choose the answer you think is most appropriate among the given options.Four captains and the first mates of three of them were called to attend the annual meeting at head quarters. The captains were Luqman, Manzoor, Nauman and Osaf: the first mates were Ayesha, Durya and Gia. Each person in turn delivered a report to the chairperson as follows:Each of the first mates delivered their report exactly after her captain. The first captain to speak was Manzoor, and captain Nauman spoke after him.(Represent the person with first letter of his name)22. In case L speaks after A, and A is the third of the first mates to speak, then among the following statements which would be untrue?

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