Computer Science is the compulsory subject for the ICS students. Students of arts can also select this subject. It depends on the interest of the students. Computer science is taught in colleges and universities by the expert and professional teachers.
ICS Part 1 Computer Science Chapter Wise Test
Ilmkidunya is an educational website. The main purpose to this website to provide the update information about papers. Ilmkidunya prepares thousands of questions for the preparation for the students. Its provides the great help for the students for preparing the exams in easy and better way The students not only enhance their knowledge but it also makes the students more proficient and adroit. Students can get command on the basic theories as well as objective paper. Thousands of objective is prepared by the expert teachers,
Computer science objective is the main part of the papers, there is 20% objective is compulsory in the paper. . After solving this test students can get the result instantly. Students can easily judge their ability how much they are prepared for the exams. ICS students can also attempt this task many times until they become expert. This computer MCQ online test is also very useful for the others exams like NTS, CSS exams.
In this test we come to know the basic computer science test, information technology, Programmes language, and basic concepts about computer sciences. It is advised to the students to do online practice on the website and well prepared for the exams.