1 |
Eruption of magmer from Earth crust is known as. |
- A. Floods
- B. pollution
- C. Volcnism
- D. Drought
2 |
Shaking of Earth crust due to scismic waves is known as |
- A. Tsunami
- B. Earthquake
- C. Pollution
- D. Drought
3 |
World Environment day is observerd on. |
- A. 5th June
- B. 5th December
- C. 5th August
- D. 3rd Febraury
4 |
The most common natural disaster in Pakistan is. |
- A. Rain fall
- B. Flood
- C. Tusunami
- D. Snwmelt
5 |
Disappearance of forests is more vulncrable to......... |
- A. Heat wave
- B. Fire
- C. Flood
- D. Drought
6 |
Result of absene of rainfall for a longer period of times is known as. |
- A. Pollution
- B. Earthquake
- C. Heatwave
- D. Drought
7 |
Famine and drought cause. |
- A. Flood crises
- B. Economci loss
- C. Water saricity
- D. All of these
8 |
A city was demolished due to earthquaks in Baluchistan. |
- A. Karachi
- B. Balakot
- C. Islamabad
- D. Quetta
9 |
Sudden or slow movement of Soil under gravity influene is called. |
- A. Dust storm
- B. Land slides
- C. Floods
- D. Pollution
10 |
Water scarcity in any area casue. |
- A. Flood
- B. Drought
- C. Storm
- D. Rain