1 |
An entrepreneur is a person who |
- A. Manages a business
- B. Starts and manages a new business venture
- C. Invests ina business
- D. Provides financial support to a business
2 |
What is the significance of programming skills for students. |
- A. To become digital consumers
- B. To maximize technology investments
- C. To trobleshoot automation tools
- D. None of the above
3 |
What was the the first device used for calculations. |
- A. Abacus
- B. Mechnical computer
- C. Integrated circuit
- D. Microprocessor
4 |
What is the latest stable version of Windows as of 2022. |
- A. Windows 10
- B. Windows 8
- C. Windows 7
- D. Windows 11
5 |
What is the currency in source analysis. |
- A. Relevancy of the information
- B. Time lines of the information
- C. Realiability of the content
- D. Reason for the information existence
6 |
A /An ... is an individual who initiates a new business and bears most of the risks associated and enjoys most of the rewards. |
- A. Buyer
- B. Seller
- C. Entrepreneur
- D. Investor
7 |
What is he Looks blck category used for in Scratch. |
- A. Moving sprite
- B. Changing sprite appearance
- C. Controllig script flow
- D. Playing sounds
8 |
First stepof systematic process of problem solving is. |
- A. Problem analysis
- B. Planning solution
- C. Problem identification
- D. Test solution
9 |
What type of operating system is Windows. |
- A. Open -source software
- B. Computer operating softwae used by apple
- C. Graphical operating systme developed by Microsoft
- D. UNIX -like, community-devloped andopen -source -operating system
10 |
What is the most commonly used capacity measurement unit for Hard Disk Drives. |
- A. Magebytes
- B. Gigabytes
- C. Terabytes
- D. Zettabytes