1 |
18,Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubble sheet: |
- A. kreative
- B. createv
- C. kriative
- D. creative
2 |
Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles sheet;<div>He scolded him for nothing''.The underlined word is a /an:</div> |
- A. interrogative pronoun
- B. relative pronoun
- C. reflexive pronoun
- D. personal pronoun
3 |
Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles:<div>When there is no peace at home. then how can a <u><b>writer</b></u> justify its literature. The underlined word is a/an:</div> |
- A. Abstract noun
- B. Concrete noun
- C. Collective noun
- D. Proper noun
4 |
Choose the correct option and fill up the bubbles:<div>The Synonym of <u><b>particular</b></u> is:</div> |
- A. Chances
- B. Special
- C. Respect
- D. Field
5 |
Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles:<div>They _______their meals before the guests arrived</div> |
- A. Took
- B. Take
- C. Takes
- D. Had taken
6 |
Choose the correct meaning of the underlined and fill up the bubbles sheet;<div>I also worked in a boarding school to help myself <u>financially:</u></div> |
- A. physically
- B. politically
- C. monetarily
- D. morally
7 |
Choose the correct option according to the grammar and fill up the bubbles sheet;<div>Which of the following is a countable noun?</div> |
- A. boy
- B. water
- C. sugar
- D. salt
8 |
20,Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubble sheet: |
- A. Jeografy
- B. geography
- C. jeografy
- D. geografy
9 |
Choose the correct meaning of the underlined and fill up the bubbles sheet;<div><u>Contest</u> means:</div> |
- A. addition
- B. supervision
- C. interesting event
- D. competition
10 |
Choose the correct meaning of the underlined and fill up the bubbles sheet;<div>I am now more mature: mature means:</div> |
- A. sensible
- B. grown-ups
- C. practical
- D. laborious