1 |
14,Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubble sheet: |
- A. Empartant
- B. important
- C. emportent
- D. impatent
2 |
Choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubbles sheet. |
- A. Strengar
- B. Strangir
- C. stranger
- D. Strenger
3 |
Choose the correct option and fill up the bubbles:<div>I <u><b>currently</b></u> belong to the Hiking and outdoor Club, and Environmental Awareness Club, The underlined word means:</div> |
- A. Hardly
- B. Mentally
- C. Presently
- D. Financially
4 |
Choose the correct meaning of the underlined and fill up the bubbles sheet;<div>We find it more <u>convenient</u>: the word convenient, means:</div> |
- A. customary
- B. suitable
- C. troublesome
- D. handsome
5 |
Choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubbles sheet. |
- A. Bandeges
- B. Bendags
- C. Bandages
- D. Bendags
6 |
Choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubbles sheet. |
- A. Enfaction
- B. Anfaction
- C. Enfecshon
- D. Infection
7 |
Through cleaning reduces the risk of ......... . |
- A. Infection and tetanus
- B. Allergy
- C. Rash
- D. Burns
8 |
"Mighty" means. |
- A. Strength
- B. Meek
- C. Minor
- D. Mild
9 |
Choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubbles sheet. |
- A. Idioms
- B. Idiomis
- C. Idiems
- D. Idiomes
10 |
Choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubbles sheet. |
- A. Plaster
- B. Plesters
- C. Plasters
- D. Plastars