1 |
Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubble sheet. |
- A. <sub>premarily</sub>
- B. Primaerily
- C. Primerily
- D. Primarily
2 |
The antonym of "dangerous" is: |
- A. Protective
- B. Safe
- C. Risky
- D. Good
3 |
8. Choose the word with correct spellings: |
- A. Support
- B. Suport
- C. Support
- D. Suppart
4 |
Choose the correct meaning of the word:The man had been sent with other "convicts" to Australia. "convicts" means: |
- A. Delegation
- B. Troupe
- C. Prisoners
- D. Groups
5 |
Choose the word with the correct spellings: |
- A. Inrances
- B. Surancein
- C. Insruncen
- D. Insurance
6 |
The synonym of "Prison" is: |
- A. Office
- B. Hospital
- C. Vehicle
- D. Jail
7 |
2.Choose the correct meaning of the word:They are a safe "shelter". |
- A. Protective place
- B. High place
- C. Shady area
- D. Room
8 |
choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubbles sheet. |
- A. Prasoner
- B. Prisoner
- C. Presoner
- D. Prisonor
9 |
Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubble sheet. |
- A. Analysis
- B. Anelisis
- C. Enelises
- D. Anelyses
10 |
Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubble sheet. |
- A. Luxery
- B. Luxury
- C. Luxary
- D. Luxrey