1 |
Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubble sheet. |
- A. Reputation
- B. Rapetition
- C. Repotation
- D. Reputetion
2 |
4,Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubble sheet: |
- A. glorieus
- B. glorius
- C. glorious
- D. glarieus
3 |
Choose the correct form of the verb and fill up the bubbles sheet.<div>The sun.............. in the west:</div> |
- A. set
- B. sets
- C. is setting
- D. have set
4 |
The word "destitute" means : |
- A. Very able
- B. Very rich
- C. Very intelligent
- D. Very poor
5 |
2,Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubble sheet: |
- A. triabel
- B. trible
- C. tribal
- D. tribale
6 |
Choose the word with correct spelling and fill up the bubble sheet. |
- A. Verious
- B. Various
- C. Virious
- D. Vireous
7 |
Choose the correct form of the verb and fill up the bubbles sheet.<div>They .........hared all day.</div> |
- A. will work
- B. are working
- C. work
- D. works
8 |
Choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubble. |
- A. Bariers
- B. Barriers
- C. Bareers
- D. Barreirs
9 |
Choose the word with correct spelling and fill p the bubble sheet. |
- A. Please
- B. Pleaze
- C. Pleeze
- D. Pleze
10 |
Choose the word with correct spellings and fill up the bubbles. |
- A. Enemies
- B. Enemees
- C. Enimies
- D. Enimees