1 |
Which operator checks whether right and left operands are equal or not ? |
2 |
Which is used to display data in specific format ? |
- A. read
- B. data
- C. specifiers
- D. format specifiers
3 |
The operator % is used to calculate __________: |
- A. percentage
- B. remainder
- C. factorial
- D. square
4 |
Which function is generally used to hold the execution of program because the program does not continue further until the user types a key ? |
- A. read
- B. getch()
- C. input
- D. printf
5 |
Which operator takes two Boolean expression as operands and produces the result true if both of its operands are true ? |
6 |
All of arithmetic operators, relational operators and logical operators && and || are: |
- A. unary operators
- B. binaryoperators
- C. ternaryoperators
- D. all of these
7 |
Which operator assigns the result of expression on right side to the variable on left side ? |
8 |
Which of the following is not a type of operator ? |
- A. arithmetic operator
- B. checkoperator
- C. relationaloperator
- D. logicaloperator
9 |
In C language _______ is used as statement terminator: |
10 |
Which escape sequence is used to print the output on multiple lines ? |