1 |
Which are responsible for transmitting genetic information form generation to generation: |
- A. vitamins
- B. lipids
- C. proteins
- D. Nucleic acids
2 |
Monosaccharides are crystalline solids |
- A. Grey
- B. Crimson
- C. Silver
- D. White
3 |
Dextrose is a crystallized: |
- A. sucrose
- B. lactose
- C. glucose
- D. fructose
4 |
Out of twenty how many amino acids can by synthesized by human body? |
- A. Five
- B. Ten
- C. Seven
- D. Twelve
5 |
The most important oligosaccharide is: |
- A. Sucrose
- B. Glucose
- C. Fractose
- D. Maltose
6 |
Gelatin protein is found in. |
- A. Blood
- B. Skin
- C. Heart
- D. Bones
7 |
Which is Pentahydroxy aldehydes of the following? |
- A. Starch
- B. Glucose
- C. Fructose
- D. Sucrose
8 |
Smell of rancid butter is due to the presence of. |
- A. Propanoic acid
- B. Butanoic acid
- C. Acitic acid
- D. Citric acid
9 |
Hypoglycemia result due to: |
- A. high cholesterol level
- B. low cholesterol level
- C. low sugar level in body
- D. high sugar level in body
10 |
General formula of carbohydrate is. |
- A. C<sub>n</sub>(H<sub>2</sub>O)<sub>6</sub>
- B. CH
- C. C<sub>n</sub>H<sub>2n</sub>
- D. C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>2n</sub>O