The concepts being taught in entire syllabus at matriculation level are considered as most basic yet most important. To build strong foundation of concepts and learning, studying with devotion and observance in and 10th
class is compulsory. The boards of intermediate and secondary education in Pakistan maintain a standardized system of examination throughout the country for uniformity of education. Keeping that under consideration, our website has worked with experts in designing online tests for matriculation students. These tests are arranged in pattern of BISE boards and cover questions from the entire books of every subject. The students, who are dedicated to prepare for their examinations in the best way, must conduct these tests for measuring their current status of learnt and un-learned topics of syllabus.
Preparing for examinations at intermediate level are less tiring and grueling. Because the students have experienced board examinations at matriculation level, they are more confident and acquainted with knowledge of accurate way to conduct papers. Often this newly acquired freedom at intermediate level from constant scrutiny of teachers like in schools, lead students to take their examination preparation lightly. This results in retaining of grades and marks. The online tests drawn for intermediate students can effectively assess your current potential in studies. Intermediate students can make an estimation of how much more preparation and learning they further need by attempting the online test we have designed for them.
The MDCAT and ECAT students can also take benefit from online tests our website has designed for them. Admissions in medical and dental colleges require devoted effort of learning and a competent amount of qualification. The competition level for admissions in public or governmental medical college is relatively higher than private medical and dental colleges. The government has now announced the entrance tests as compulsory for admission in private medical colleges as well. The students who are aspired to become doctors and engineers pledge themselves to study hard and do spend as much energy as required to prepare their level best for entrance tests.
Assessment and self examination is a major part of preparing examinations, it can help to understand effectiveness of learning pattern in terms of examinations and assist you in spending your energy where it is required. Those students who are preparing themselves for NAT I, NAT II and GAT tests of NTS must attempt the online tests we have designed for their self-assessment. These three categories of NTS are modeled as per the criterion set by Universities of Pakistan. NTS tests are nationally acclaimed tests which are preferred by all major recruiters and Universities. The online tests available in our website are for the convenience of candidates.
Another set of online tests specifically sketched for 5th, 6th,7th and 8th class students are assembled keeping in view the most important content of syllabus and general knowledge level equivalent for these classes.