









PMC MDCAT English Syllabus 2025

PMC MDCAT English Syllabus 2025

Pakistan Medical Commission has issued the complete syllabus of English subject for the students. Mdcat test is not easy for everyone and mdcat preparation is time taking for students. It is a desire of every medical student to clear the MDCAT test in first attempt and achieve their goals. Here Ilmkidunya is providing the PMC MDCAT syllabus of English subject. Students can acquire the complete syllabus of English in pdf form and without pdf. 




Objective, Benchmark And Content:





  1. Comprehend key vocabulary

Use one or more of the following strategies to determine meaning of key vocabulary:

  • contextual clues and illustrations
  • background or prior knowledge
  • morphology, syntax, phonics, knowledge of word relationships
  • knowledge of synonyms, antonyms, homophones

High and low frequency words from the course book or to be selected from similar contexts or the contexts the HSSC and CIE students may be familiar with

  1. Demonstrate control of tenses and sentence structure
  • Use correct tenses and sentence structure in writing
  • Identify mistakes in the use of tenses and sentence structure in written texts

All present, past tenses Four types of sentences, Conditionals Types of clauses Fragments

  1. Demonstrate ability to differentiate between correct and incorrect structure of sentences & Use of writing conventions of spelling, capitalization and Punctuation
  • Identify sentences with correct grammatical and style structures.
  • Identify sentences with incorrect grammatical and style structures.
  •  Identify Use inappropriate capitalization and punctuation such as semi colons, commas in a series, apostrophes in possessives, proper nouns, and abbreviations.

Use the texts prescribed/ used in HSSC or CIE for differentiating between correctly and incorrectly written sentences. The test items to be selected from the type of texts written by HSSC and CIE students and from the contexts common to both the streams

  1. Demonstrate correct use of subject-verb agreement & of articles and prepositions
  • Use correct subject-verb agreement in written texts
  • Identify mistakes in the use of subject verb- agreement in written texts
  • Use appropriate articles and prepositions in different written contexts
  • Identify mistakes in the use of articles and prepositions in sentences or short texts
  • Select the appropriate article or preposition for a particular context.

Use the texts prescribed/ used in HSSC or CIE for selecting test items as well as determining the degree of their complexity. The test items to be selected from the context common to the texts at HSSC and CIE level.

  1. 5. Demonstrate ability to identify mistakes in sentences or short written texts. These errors could be of inappropriate word order, vocabulary etc.
  • Identify errors of word order, style, vocabulary etc. in sentences


Use the texts and sentences prescribed/used in HSSC or CIE for differentiating between correctly and incorrectly written sentences

  1. Demonstrate ability to comprehend short written text and select the most appropriate responses
  • Comprehend simple, brief passages.
  • Select the most suitable responses to the questions posed (text- explicit).

Use the texts prescribed/ used in HSSC or CIE as samples for reading comprehension

Students can also download the Subject-wise complete syllabus of PMC MDCAT 2025. Check MDCAT complete syllabus


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  • Eman

    09 Sep 2023

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