Post Qualfication and Experience
Software Engineer BCS from HEC recognized University, preferably having one year experience, Should have good communication and techincal skills. Good Knowledge of current leading software development tools and operating systems. Abulity to write techincal reports and to communicate affectively, Both orally and in writing
Web Developer Master Degree in Computer Sciences/ BCS (Honors) from HEC recognised University, preferably having 1-2 year of experience in Web Development and have excellent knowledge of latest software tools and packages. Must be well versed with graphic designing tools like Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Flash and Dreamweaver. Have good knowledge of Microsoft Net Framework Ceritificate in Graphic Designing/ E-Commerce will be an additional advantage
Cashier B,Com with at least 2nd division and 5 years experience in relevant field
Data Entry Operator B.SC with 2 years experience as Lab Techinican or F.Sc with 4 years experience as Lab Assistant in BPS-5
Lab Technician  B.Sc with 2 years experience as Lab Techinican or F.Sc with 4 years experience as Lab Assistant in BPS-5
Security Guard/Secuitry Specialist  Ex-army Personnel having at least 15 years of colour serivce in fighting supporting arms
Plumber  Middle with 5 years experience in the field
Head Mali  Minimum 10 years relevant experience

Middle having minimum 3 years relevant experience of working

Gardener/ Mali Minimum with 3 years relevant experience