The University of Education, Lahore was established in 2002 through an Ordinance issued by the Governor of Punjab Currently we are in search of following staff to be employed under the following projects. The ideal candidates for the following positions who possess requisite qualification and have interest and motivation to work may appear for walk-in interview.

Project: In-house University Management System (UMS)

Software Engineer

(on six month contract extendable subject to the completion of the Project with Lump sum Pay Package of Rs. 100,000/- per month)
Eligibility Requirements
  1. Masters or BS four years degree in Computer Science or equivalent qualification from an institute or a university recognized by the Higher Education Commission
  2. 3 years' post qualification experience of web application development using PHP core, JavaScript, HTML, CSS and MySQL technologies in a reputable organization. The experience in academic software development (e.g. student information system etc.) will be preferred.
Age: 21-35 years Place of Posting: 01 for Head Office, Lahore Date of Demo: 28.10.2021 (Thursday) at 09:00 a.m. at Main Campus, Township Lahore.

How to apply

  1. Applicants are required to apply online through university job portal The applicants are also required to submit signed hardcopy/printout of same pre-filled online application form to the Office, University of Education, College Road Township Campus, Lahore. Fill online application form carefully as no editing will be allowed after submission. The applicants are required to print system generated fee challan and deposit job application processing fee as mentioned on challan in any branch of Bank of Punjab.
  2. The applicants are required to attach and submit attested copies of CNIC, domicile, all educational documents/certificates, experience certificates and any other relevant documents along-with deposit receipt / deposited system generated fee challan (worth Rs. 2000/- ) on or before the closing date. Applications submitted without deposited system generated fee challan will not be entertained. Deposited amount is non-refundable/non-transferable.
  3. Printed online application form along-with all attached documents must be submitted on 26.10.2021 in person or via courier. Incomplete applications or applications received after due date (even dispatched through courier) will not be accepted.
Project: "National Freelance Training Program" with the mutual agreement between University of Education, Lahor (UE) and Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB).

Lab Manager

(Lump sum Rs. 50,000/- per month); One year contract basis (extendable subject to the extension of the Project).
Eligibility Requirements:
Master degree / BS (hons) or equivalent 16 years of education in Computer Science or Information Technology with one year relevant experience.
Age: 22-35 years Place of Posting: 01 for Head Office, Lahore Date of Interview: 28-10-2021 (Thursday) at 10:00 a.m at Main Campus, Township Lahore.

Office Attendant

(Lump sum Rs. 18,000/- per month); One year contract basis (extendable subject to the extension of the Project).
Eligibility Requirements: Primary Pass Age: 18-30 years Place of Posting: 01 for Head Office, Lahore

criteria may appear before the Selection Committee on the mentioned date and Venue for walk-in interview with application for their desired post with original documents i.e. CNIC, domicile, all educational documents/certificates, any other relevant / experience documents and bank draft of worth Rs.1000/- for sr. no. 1 and Rs.500/- for sr. no. 2 payable to the Treasurer, University of Education, Lahore or deposit said amount in the following Account No 6010105859900011 with a title Treasurer, University of Education, Lahore. Any application without original bank draft or having incorrect payable title will not be entertained. Candidates appearing for the interview are required to submit one set of attested documents along with his application on interview date. For further detail visit UE website: