Sr Post Name Jobs Qualification
1 Office Assistant 4 Bachelors
2 Accounts Officer 1 Masters
3 Assistant Director Monitoring And Evaluation 1 Masters
4 Assistant Director Field Monitoring 1 Masters
Latest jobs by Planning and Development Department Govt of Sindh

Applications are invited for the following vacancies purely on contract basis, however, may be extended on need-cum-performance basis in the Accelerated Action Plan (AAP) Secretariat for Nutrition Planning & Development' Department GoS.

Sr. Position Required Qualification & Experience
01 Director Finance
(1 Post)
Qualification: MBA or MS in Public Financial Management; Finance / Accounting or related discipline recognized from Higher Education Commission or CA/ACCA/CFA/ICMA. Required Skills.
  • Strong Financial Modeling, transaction handling and corporate documentation.
  • Good command of MS Office.
  • Strong analytical and personal skills.
  • At least 08 years' or above of relevant, successful and verifiable experience of financial management of development projects/donor funding projects/Public Sector
  • Should have extensive knowledge of Government Financial Management systems. Knowledge about Government of Sindh Financial Management Rules.
02 Director Procurement
(1 Post)
Qualification: At least a Master's degree from Higher Education Commission recognized University in Management Sciences/Business Administration/Economics/Finance/Supply Chain or Commerce or in related field from reputable local or foreign institution. A certificate/diploma'degree in the field of Procurement Management from reputable local or foreign institution shall an advantage. Required Skills
  • Good Command of MS Office
  • must have good communication and negation skills
  • Strong analytical and personal skills.
Experience: Should have at least 08 years' or more experience in the procurement processes with the public / private projects involving procurement of goods and/or works & services Excellent knowledge of relevant rules and legislation Sindh Public Procurement Regulatory Authority including international procurement best practices. Must have certification of Sindh Public Procurement Regulatory Authority.
03 Director Communication
(1 Post)
Qualification: At least Master degree in Communication and Sciences related to Media Communication. Social Behavior Change. Interpersonal Communication, and other related discipline from a Higher Education Commission recognized Local or foreign University. Required skills:
  • The candidate should have strong communication skills and a proven record of achieving results as documented in citation of various successful projects/work results.
  • Demonstrated proficiency in communication skills
Experience: At least 08 years or more working experience in implementing and managing nutrition. public health, development, or related sectors' communication programs. He/ She should have solid knowledge of communication methods and approaches. interpersonal as well as mass media communication.
04 Director Information Technology (IT)
(1 Post)
Qualification: At least master degree in Computer Sciences or computer related disciplines degree from a Higher Education Commission recognized local or foreign University. Required skills:
  • Advanced skills in data analysis, presentation and report writing combined with excellent analytical skills with a proactive, energetic approach to problem solving.
Experience: At least 08 years or more experience and he/she should have high level of proficiency in Windows MS Office, Excel. PowerPoint and! or Statistical Software (SPSS, STATA).
05 Deputy Director Monitoring and Evaluation
(1 Post)
Qualification: At least Masters degree in Social Sciences, Economics, Business Management, or any other relevant degree from Higher Education Commission recognized University. Required Skills:
  • With a strong emphasis on data analytics and statistics and must have strong report writing skills.
Experience: At least (05) years' of professional experience in the field of Monitoring and Evaluation on development programs I projects with prior experience of developing and implementing M&E strategies / framewor ks. The candidate should have knowledge of major quantitative and qualitative monitoring methodologies and proven ability to design monitoring instrumentation tools with extensive experience in the design and implementation of capacity building activities in M&E.
06 Internal Auditor
(1 Post)
Qualification: A Chartered Accountant/Cost and Management Accountant/ACCA MBA Finance/Accounting or Equivalent,
Required skills:
  • Candidates must have strong report writing skills and have good command of MS Office.
Experience: Documented experience of risk based internal or external audit for not less than 05 years. The candidate must have strong knowledge of Sindh Public Procurement Rules and Financial Management Rules. The candidate must be certified member of professional body.
07 Assistant Director Finance
(1 Post)
Qualification: Minimum sixteen years of education. MBA/M.COM/BA Honors or ICMA/ ACCA or Equivalent from an HEC recognized institution. Must have IT Skills. Experience: At least three (03) years of relevant working experience in Public or private sector.
08 Assistant Director Procurement
(1 Post)
Qualification: Minimum sixteen years of education in Supply Chain ManagemenVfinance/commercel Economics or management Science from an HEC recognized institution. Must have IT Skills. Experience: At least three (03) years of relevant working experience in public or private sectors.
09 Assistant Director Communication
(1 Post)
Qualification: At least Sixteen (16) Years of education. Master's Degree in Mass Communication/ Social c 5 ience/ IT or equivalent from HEC Recognized institution. Must have IT Skills.
Experience: At least three (3) Years of relevant working experience in public or private sectors.
10 Assistant Director Field Monitoring
(1 Post)
Qualification: Minimum sixteen (16) years of education. Master's Degree in Social Science. Public/Business Administration. Economics. and Engineering, Project Management or equivalent from HEC recognized institution. Must have IT Skills.
Experience: At least three (3) Years of relevant working experience in public or private sectors.
11 Assistant Director Monitoring and Evaluation
(1 Post)
Qualification: At least Sixteen (16) Years of Education. Master's Degree in Social Science, Business Administration, Public Administration. Economics Engineering, Project Management or relevant field from HEC recognized institution. Must have IT Skills. Experience: At least three (3) Years of relevant working experience in public or private sectors.
12 Assistant Director (Grievance Redressal)
(1 Post)
Qualification: At least Sixteen (16) Years of Education in Social Science/Economics/Public Administration or in equivalent discipline from HEC recognized Institution. Must have IT Skills.
Experience: At least Three (3) Years of relevant working experience in public or private sectors
13 Accounts Officer
(1 Post)
Qualification: At least Fourteen (14) Years of Education preferable in Finance/ Accounting or any other relevant discipline from HEC recognized Institution. Must have IT Skills.
Experience: At least Two (2) Years of relevant working experience in public or private sectors. Diploma or certification in accounting will be given preference.
14 Office Assistants
(4 Posts)
Minimum Fourteen (14) Years of education from an HEC recognized institution. Must have knowledge of MS office and IT Skills.
Experience: At least two (2) Years of relevant working experience in public, or private sectors
15 PS to Nutrition Coordinator
(1 Post)
Minimum Fourteen (14) Years of education from an HEC recognized institution, Must have IT Skills with good typing speed. Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
Experience: At least two (2) Years of relevant working experience in public or private sector.
16 MIS Officer
(1 Post)
At least Fourteen (14) Years of education in Computer Science or equivalent from HEC Recognized institution well versed with IT related issues.
Experience: At least Two (2) Years of relevant working experience.
17 Receptionist
(1 Post)
At Least Intermediate with basic knowledge of computer.
Experience: At least One (1) Year similar working experience in public or Private sector.
18 Junior Clerks
(02 Posts)
At least Intermediate with basic knowledge of computer.
Experience: At least One (1)Year of relevant working experience in public or private sectors, having experience in MS Office, Office Management and filing of record
19 Drivers
(04 Posts)
At least Primary Pass Must have LTV driving license. Must be able to maintain log book
Experience: Must have relevant working experience.
20 Dispatch Rider
(01 Post)
At least Primary Pass must have Motorcycle driving license. Must be able to maintain log book.
Experience: Must have relevant working experience
21 Naib Oasid / Office Boy
(02 Posts)
At least Primary pass
Experience: At least one year relevant experience.
22 Security Guard
(02 Posts)
At lease Primary pass and physically fit to perform duty in day and night shift.
Experience: At least two (2) years' experience as security guard, police verification certificate from his/her area police station.
23 Sweeper / Sanitary Worker
(02 Posts)
At lease Primary pass.
Experience: Experience in relevant field.
  1. Interested candidates must send their detailed CV, photographs. degrees along with relevant documents and experience certificates duly verified/certified and may be send in a sealed envelope mentioning the position applied for on or before April 28th 2022 through registered courier postal services or by hand at the address given below.
  2. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for interviews. No TA. /D.A. shall be admissible.
  3. The appointments are purely temporary/ contractual basis can be terminated with one-month notice and contract may be extended further on need-cum-performances basis.
  4. In service candidates can apply through proper channel.
  5. Applicants must possess Domicile & PRO of Sindh.
  6. Terms of Reference for positions 1 to 12 can be obtained from the website:
  7. Applications received incomplete or after due date shall not be entertained.
  8. Special quota of 5% for minorities, 5% for disabled persons shall be observed as per rules/ policy
  9. Relaxation of 15 years in upper age as allowed by the Government of Sindh is admissible.
  10. AAP secretariat reserves right to cancel or add/delete any position at any stage of the hiring process.
  11. Market competitive compensation/Remuneration shall be offered.

Program Coordination Nutrition (AAP)
F-4/1, BLOCK 4, KDA SCHEME -5,
PH: 02135290316