Sr Post Name Jobs Qualification
1 Bio Medical Engineer 1 Bachelors
2 Lecturer 1 Masters
3 English Lecturer 1 Masters
4 Demonstrator 1 Bachelors
5 Sports Officer 1 Bachelors
6 Librarian 1 Masters
7 Senior Registrar 2 Bachelors
8 Administrator Officer 1 Bachelors
9 Director 1 Bachelors
10 Assistant Professor 2 Masters
11 Associate Professor 2 Bachelors
12 Professor 2 Bachelors
Latest jobs by Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Medical College

he text you provided seems to be a mix of different ideas, including mentions of the Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical College, Lyari General Hospital, and some references to personal names and situations that are unclear. Below is a detailed breakdown of how to organize this text for clarity and format it properly in terms of meaning and flow.

Example Format and Structure:

Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical College Admission Preparation

Location: Sindh Government Lyari General Hospital, Karachi
Services Required:

This document discusses the requirements and services needed for preparations for admission to the Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical College, located within Lyari General Hospital, Karachi.

Personal References

Some personal stories or interactions are mentioned, involving an individual named "الرحمن" and another party related to "باپ." These interactions seem to revolve around dates like "21-10-2015" and potential effects from the DDCL (Document Control Ledger or similar). The details here need more clarity for a formal context, as the references seem fragmented.

Additional Details

  • Financial Matters: There are mentions of مال (wealth or money) and financial concerns. The text touches upon hopes related to "المال" and matters connected to امیال (emotions, desires).
  • Family Relations: It appears that familial ties, particularly those of والد (father) and ماں (mother), are involved in decisions regarding wealth or property.
  • Academic and Professional Context: Professor المر مون (likely the Principal and Chairperson) of the Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical College seems to play a role in the management. Their involvement may relate to handling administrative matters tied to the medical institution.

Formatting Notes:

  1. Introduction: Clearly introduce the institution and context at the beginning (Medical College, Lyari General Hospital).
  2. Clarify Personal Mentions: If personal names or stories are important, ensure these references are explained and tied to the main theme.
  3. Organize Chronologically: If dates and events like "21-10-2015" are key, structure them in a timeline for easier understanding.
  4. Simplify Financial/Personal Issues: If the document is addressing financial or personal issues (e.g., inheritance, disputes), detail them separately from academic or institutional matters.
  5. Use Formal Titles: Always refer to professionals with their full titles (e.g., Professor, Principal).

Let me know if you need more detailed rewriting or specific sections of this text!