Sr Post Name Jobs Qualification
1 Sweeper 1 Others
2 Cook 1 Others
3 Mali 1 Others
4 Driver 1 Matric
Latest jobs by Military College

Vacancy Announcement

Applications are invited from suitable candidates for recruitment against the following vacant positions. The minimum educational qualifications and experience required for each post are mentioned against it.

Job Details:

Sr. No. Position BPS No. of Posts Quota Required Education & Experience
1 Driver 4 01 Local Matric, 3 years of experience in the relevant field. Preference will be given to local candidates.
2 Mali (Gardener) 1 01 Local Must be literate with 3 years of experience in the relevant field. Preference will be given to local candidates.
3 Cook 1 01 Local Must be literate with 3 years of experience in the relevant field. Preference will be given to local candidates.
4 Mess Waiter 1 01 Local Must be literate with 3 years of experience in the relevant field. Preference will be given to local candidates.

Application Procedure:

  1. Applications along with attested copies of educational certificates, CNIC, domicile, and two recent passport-size photographs must be submitted to the office by March 10, 2025.
  2. The age limit for civilian candidates is 30 years, while for retired Army personnel, it is 45 years as of March 10, 2025.
  3. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for the test/interview.
  4. Recruitment will be based purely on merit, and the decision of the Selection Board will be final.
  5. Retired Army personnel must attach copies of their discharge book and experience certificate from the relevant field.
  6. All applicants must submit a postal order of PKR 1,000 in favor of Commandant Military College Murree along with their application.

Lieutenant Colonel
For Commandant
Military College Murree
Contact: 051-3752010