Posted On Department / Company Jobs Last Date Details
26-Mar-25 Office of The Deputy Commissioner, Khuzdar 15 Jobs 26-Mar-25 View
13-Dec-22 Balochistan University of Engineering and Technology, Khuzdar 38 Jobs 13-Dec-22 View
16-Jul-21 Health Department Govt of Balochistan, Khuzdar 126 Jobs 16-Jul-21 View
16-Jul-21 Health Department Govt of Balochistan, Khuzdar 3 Jobs 16-Jul-21 View

Companies & Departments with latest jobs opensings

Jobs in Khuzdar

Applicants who are in search of jobs in Khuzdar are welcome to this portal. Here we are informing you about the latest updates regarding the job opportunities in different sectors in the city. You can apply as a senior manager, engineer, chief security officer, data analyst, security officer, lab assistant, dispenser, driver, etc. in different departments. Applicants can find jobs in the private and government sectors. You can get the most up-to-date information from this page. Stay in touch with us if you are in search of the jobs that are offered in the city.

Private Jobs in Khuzdar

Applicants after completing the bachelor's or Master can apply for private jobs in Khuzdar. The private jobs can be found in various companies. You can apply in the information technology I.T. department, healthcare department, educational department, and other department. You can apply for your desired job through online portals. The job advertisements for private companies can be found from our website and newspaper. Applicants can also apply for the part-time job in Khuzdar if they desire. The part time jobs are the best option for those applicants who have to invest their time in their studies or other activities.

Government Jobs in Khuzdar

Government jobs in Khuzdar are beneficial for all those applicants who are in search of a long term job. The Government offers various Job opportunities in Khuzdar. It offers you a good salary package and other perks that are essential. You can find jobs in the government sector including Healthcare Industries, education department etc. There are number of government educational departments that are offering jobs to the applicants. If you are willing to apply then go to the job portals and apply after checking the last date.