Sr Post Name Jobs Qualification
1 Lecturer 1 M. Phil
2 Assistant Professor 1 M. Phil
Latest jobs by Dawood University of Eengineering & Technology

Applications are invited from qualified candidates domiciled in the province of Sindh for the recruitment to the following positions:

S.No Positions and BPS Fields / Disciplines /Technologies
1 Professor
Industrial Engineering and Management
Civil Engineering
2 Associate Professor
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
3 Assistant Professor
Civil Engineering
4 Lecturer
Civil Engineering
  1. The candidates possessing educational qualifications and fulfilling the conditions as mentioned in the eligibility criteria should apply on the prescribed application form available on the website:
  2. The application form(s) may be printed and sent along with the educational testimonials to the office of the undersigned. The last date for submission of application form(s) through courier / postal service is Monday, 25th October, 2021.
  3. Please visit the website for the complete procedure of applying, details about eligibility criteria, instructions and application form for the above said positions.

Dawood University of Engineering and Technology
New M.A. Jinnah Road, Karachi-74800 (Pakistan)