Sr | Post Name | Jobs | Qualification |
1 | Assistant Precurement Specialist | 1 | Masters |
2 | Assistant Rocurement And Contract Managemtn | 1 | Masters |
Government of Pakistan
Country: Pakistan
Name of Project: Pakistan Raises Revenue Program
Assignment Title: Selection of Individual Consultants for FBR
Loan No./Credit No./Grant No.: 6435-PK
Reference No.: 1(16)/Dir (PO/Ch-TA/2021)
Date of Publication: 6 March 2025
Deadline for EOI Submission: 26 March 2025
Master’s or Bachelor’s degree (equivalent to at least sixteen years of education) in Procurement & Supply Chain Management, Business Management, Project Management, Engineering, Economics, Finance, or Social Sciences.
Minimum seven (07) years of documentary verifiable experience in procurement and contract management of goods, works, & consulting services.
Experience in post-contract activities administration, including dispute resolution.
Sound knowledge of World Bank and Public Procurement regulations, administrative systems, and procedures.
Written and oral fluency in English.
Excellent computer skills (MS Office applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and MS Project).
Proficiency in using e-procurement applications.
Ability to work independently and as part of a team.
Master’s or Bachelor’s degree (equivalent to at least sixteen years of education) in Procurement & Supply Chain Management, Business Management, Project Management, Engineering, Economics, Finance, or Social Sciences.
Minimum seven (07) years of documentary verifiable experience in procurement of goods, works, & consulting services.
Sound knowledge of World Bank and Public Procurement regulations, administrative systems, and procedures.
Written and oral fluency in English.
Excellent computer skills (MS Office applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and MS Project).
Proficiency in using e-procurement applications.
Ability to work independently and as part of a team.
The Federal Board of Revenue now invites eligible individuals to express their interest in providing the aforementioned services. Interested individual consultants must provide:
A Letter of Expression of Interest, demonstrating their ability, skills, and experience to undertake the assignment and deliver required outputs under the TOR.
A detailed, dated, and signed Curriculum Vitae (CV) highlighting qualifications and experience in carrying out similar assignments, including references for verification.
Consultants will be selected in accordance with the Open Competitive Selection of Individual Consultants method set out in the World Bank's Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers (July 2016, revised November 2017 and August 2018).
Attention is drawn to Section III, paragraphs 3.14, 3.16, and 3.17 of the Procurement Regulations, setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.
Detailed Terms of Reference (TORs) are available at:
For queries, contact via email at: or visit the office of Additional Director (Procurement and Finance), Pakistan Raises Revenue Program, Room No. 574, 5th Floor, FBR House, G-5, Constitution Avenue, Islamabad during business hours before the submission deadline.
Additional information can be obtained at the address below during office hours.
The Expression of Interest (EOI) and Curriculum Vitae (CV) must be delivered in person, by email, or via surface mail no later than 1500 hours on 26 March 2025.
Applicants submitting CVs via email will receive an acknowledgment. In case of no acknowledgment, applicants should contact FBR.
If personal interaction is required, it will be conducted virtually. Applicants should ensure their updated contact details are provided in the CV.
Additional Director (Procurement and Finance), PRRP
Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), Government of Pakistan
Room No. 574, Fifth Floor, FBR House, G-5, Constitution Avenue, Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: +92 051-9215109
Phone: 051-111-772-772
URAAN Pakistan