Surah Al Baqarah

Surah Baqarah, meaning "cow," is the second and longest surah in the Holy Quran, comprising a total of 286 verses. The Surah al Baqarah encompasses a variety of topics and contains several commands for Muslims, including enjoining fasting on the believers during the month of Ramadan and forbidding interest or usury. Additionally, it includes substantial amounts of law and retells stories of Hazrat Adam (AS), Hazrat Ibrahim (AS), and Hazrat Musa (AS). A major theme of Surah e Baqarah is guidance, urging the Mushrikeen, Jews of Madinah and the Munafiqeen to embrace Islam while warning them of the fate of Allah. It is believed that Surah Baqarah was revealed in 622 in Madinah over a long period after the Hijrah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Understand the true Surah Baqarah meaning from here. We have provided Surah Baqarah full Arabic recitation and translation on this page. Get benefit from both Surah Baqarah read online and Surah Baqarah audio files from here. Keep reading this page to get to know more about Surah Baqarah benefits.

Surah Baqarah Last 2 Ayat

Truly understand the significance of Surah Baqarah last 2 ayat with help of this page. In the last two ayats of Surah Baqarah, Allah (SWT) commands the believers to turn to Him in Tauba (repentance) and seek His forgiveness. He promises to forgive those who repent sincerely. These concluding verses of Surah Baqarah serve as a powerful reminder of the significance of repentance and the boundless mercy of Allah (SWT). Download our provided Surah Baqarah last 2 ayat pdf file from here and understand their true meaning. We have also provided the Surah Baqarah last 2 ayat benefits in following:

  • Protection from Evil: Reciting these verses safeguards a believer against all forms of evil forces and the evil eye, ensuring their safety.

  • Strengthening Faith: The verses reinforce the faith of a Muslim in Allah (SWT), guiding them that Allah (SWT) is their guide and creator.

  • Source of Forgiveness: The last two verses can also be recited as a dua seeking forgiveness and mercy from Allah (SWT) for His believers.

  • Source of Motivation: Reciting and understanding these verses also motivates a believer by affirming that Allah (SWT) will not burden them beyond what they can bear, and they will be judged according to their deeds, whether good or bad.

Surah Baqarah Last 2 Ayat with Urdu Translation:

We have also provided the Surah Baqarah last 2 ayat with Urdu translation on this page for you to access and fully understand their meaning. Access the Surah Baqarah last 2 ayat Urdu translation from the following:

Verse 285:

اٰمَنَ الرَّسُوْلُ بِمَاۤ اُنْزِلَ اِلَیْهِ مِنْ رَّبِّهٖ وَ الْمُؤْمِنُوْنَؕ-كُلٌّ اٰمَنَ بِاللّٰهِ وَ مَلٰٓىٕكَتِهٖ وَ كُتُبِهٖ وَ رُسُلِهٖ۫-لَا نُفَرِّقُ بَیْنَ اَحَدٍ مِّنْ رُّسُلِهٖ۫-وَ قَالُوْا سَمِعْنَا وَ اَطَعْنَا ﱪ غُفْرَانَكَ رَبَّنَا وَ اِلَیْكَ الْمَصِیْرُ

Urdu Translation:

رسول اس پر ایمان لایا جو اس کے رب کی طرف سے اس کی طرف نازل کیا گیا اور مسلمان بھی۔ سب اللہ پراور اس کے فرشتوں اور اس کی کتابوں اور اس کے رسولوں پر یہ کہتے ہوئے ایمان لائے کہ ہم اس کے کسی رسول پر ایمان لانے میں فرق نہیں کرتے اورانہوں نے عرض کی: اے ہمارے رب!ہم نے سنا اور مانا، (ہم پر) تیری معافی ہو اور تیری ہی طرف پھرنا ہے۔


Verse 286:

لَا یُكَلِّفُ اللّٰهُ نَفْسًا اِلَّا وُسْعَهَاؕ-لَهَا مَا كَسَبَتْ وَ عَلَیْهَا مَا اكْتَسَبَتْؕ-رَبَّنَا لَا تُؤَاخِذْنَاۤ اِنْ نَّسِیْنَاۤ اَوْ اَخْطَاْنَاۚ-رَبَّنَا وَ لَا تَحْمِلْ عَلَیْنَاۤ اِصْرًا كَمَا حَمَلْتَهٗ عَلَى الَّذِیْنَ مِنْ قَبْلِنَاۚ-رَبَّنَا وَ لَا تُحَمِّلْنَا مَا لَا طَاقَةَ لَنَا بِهٖۚ-وَ اعْفُ عَنَّاٙ-وَ اغْفِرْ لَنَاٙ-وَ ارْحَمْنَاٙ-اَنْتَ مَوْلٰىنَا فَانْصُرْنَا عَلَى الْقَوْمِ الْكٰفِرِیْنَ

Urdu Translation:

اللہ کسی جان پر اس کی طاقت کے برابر ہی بوجھ ڈالتا ہے ۔ کسی جان نے جو اچھاکمایا وہ اسی کیلئے ہے اور کسی جان نے جو برا کمایا اس کا وبال اسی پر ہے ۔اے ہمارے رب! اگر ہم بھولیں یا خطا کریں تو ہماری گرفت نہ فرما ،اے ہمارے رب! اور ہم پر بھاری بوجھ نہ رکھ جیسا تو نے ہم سے پہلے لوگوں پر رکھا تھا، اے ہمارے رب!اور ہم پر وہ بوجھ نہ ڈال جس کی ہمیں طاقت نہیں اور ہمیں معاف فرمادے اور ہمیں بخش دے اور ہم پر مہربانی فرما، تو ہمارا مالک ہے پس کافر قوم کے مقابلے میں ہماری مدد فرما۔

Surah Baqarah Last 2 Ayat in English:

For the people who understands English better we have provided the Surah Baqarah last 2 ayat in English on this page. Read and understand the Surah Baqarah last two ayat English translation from the following:

Verse 285:

اٰمَنَ الرَّسُوْلُ بِمَاۤ اُنْزِلَ اِلَیْهِ مِنْ رَّبِّهٖ وَ الْمُؤْمِنُوْنَؕ-كُلٌّ اٰمَنَ بِاللّٰهِ وَ مَلٰٓىٕكَتِهٖ وَ كُتُبِهٖ وَ رُسُلِهٖ۫-لَا نُفَرِّقُ بَیْنَ اَحَدٍ مِّنْ رُّسُلِهٖ۫-وَ قَالُوْا سَمِعْنَا وَ اَطَعْنَا ﱪ غُفْرَانَكَ رَبَّنَا وَ اِلَیْكَ الْمَصِیْرُ

English Translation:

The Messenger firmly believes in what has been revealed to him from his Lord, and so do the believers. They all believe in Allah, His angels, His Books, and His messengers. They proclaim, “We make no distinction between any of His messengers.” And they say, “We hear and obey. We seek your forgiveness, our Lord! And to you alone is the final return.

Verse 286:

لَا یُكَلِّفُ اللّٰهُ نَفْسًا اِلَّا وُسْعَهَاؕ-لَهَا مَا كَسَبَتْ وَ عَلَیْهَا مَا اكْتَسَبَتْؕ-رَبَّنَا لَا تُؤَاخِذْنَاۤ اِنْ نَّسِیْنَاۤ اَوْ اَخْطَاْنَاۚ-رَبَّنَا وَ لَا تَحْمِلْ عَلَیْنَاۤ اِصْرًا كَمَا حَمَلْتَهٗ عَلَى الَّذِیْنَ مِنْ قَبْلِنَاۚ-رَبَّنَا وَ لَا تُحَمِّلْنَا مَا لَا طَاقَةَ لَنَا بِهٖۚ-وَ اعْفُ عَنَّاٙ-وَ اغْفِرْ لَنَاٙ-وَ ارْحَمْنَاٙ-اَنْتَ مَوْلٰىنَا فَانْصُرْنَا عَلَى الْقَوْمِ الْكٰفِرِیْنَ

English Translation:

Allah does not require of any soul more than what it can afford. All good will be for its own benefit, and all evil will be to its own loss. The believers pray, “Our Lord! Do not punish us if we forget or make a mistake. Our Lord! Do not place a burden on us like the one you placed on those before us. Our Lord! Do not burden us with what we cannot bear. Pardon us, forgive us, and have mercy on us. You are our only Guardian. So grant us victory over the disbelieving people.”

Surah Al Baqarah

Sr# Surah wise Para wise
1 Al Fatihah Para 1
2 Al Baqarah Para 2
3 Al Imran Para 3
4 An Nisa Para 4
5 Al Maidah Para 5
6 Al Anam Para 6
7 Al Ar'af Para 7
8 Al Anfal Para 8
9 At Taubah Para 9
10 Surah Yunus Para 10
11 Surah Hud Para 11
12 Surah Yusuf Para 12
13 Ar raad Para 13
14 Surah Ibrahim Para 14
15 Al Hijr Para 15
16 An Nahal Para 16
17 Al Isra/Bani Israel Para 17
18 Al Kahaf Para 18
19 Surah Maryam Para 19
20 Surah Taha Para 20
21 Al Anbiya Para 21
22 Al Hajj Para 22
23 Al Muminun Para 23
24 Al Noor Para 24
25 Al Furqan Para 25
26 Al Shuara Para 26
27 Al Namal Para 27
28 Al Qasas Para 28
29 Al Ankabut Para 29
30 Ar Room Para 30
31 Surah Luqman
32 As Sajdah
33 AL Ahzab
34 Surah Saba
35 Surah Fatir
36 Surah Yaseen
37 Surah Saffat
38 Surah Sad
39 Az Zumar
40 Surah Ghafir
41 Surah Fussilat
42 Ash Shura
43 Az Zukhruf
44 Ad Dukhan
45 AL Jasia
46 AL Ahqaf
47 Surah Muhammad
48 Al Fath
49 Al Hujurat
50 Surah Qaf
51 Az Zariyat
52 At Tur
53 Al Najam
54 Al Qamar
55 Ar Rahman
56 Al Waqiah
57 Al Hadid
58 Al Mujadilah
59 Al Hashr
60 Surah Mumtahinah
61 As Saff
62 Al Jumuah
63 Al Munafiqun
64 At Taghabun
65 At Talaq
66 At Tahrim
67 Al Mulk
68 Al Qalam
69 Al Haqqah
70 Al Maarij
71 Surah Nuh
72 Surah Jin
73 Al muzzammil
74 Al Mudassir
75 Al Qiyamah
76 Surah Ad Dahr/Al Insan
77 Al Mursalat
78 An Naba
79 An Naziat
80 Surah Abasa
81 Surah At Takwir
82 Surah Al Infitar
83 Surah Al Mutaffifin
84 Surah Al Inshiqaq
85 Surah Al Buruj
86 Surah At Tariq
87 Surah Al Ala
88 Surah Al Ghashiyah
89 Surah Al Fajr
90 Surah Al Balad
91 Surah Al Ash Shams
92 Surah Al Lail
93 Surah Ad Duha
94 Surah Alam Nashrah
95 Surah At Tin
96 Surah Al Alaq
97 Surah Al Qadr
98 Surah Al Baiyinah
99 Surah Az Zilzal
100 Surah Al Adiyat
101 Surah Al Qariah
102 Surah At Takasur
103 Surah Al Asr
104 Surah Al Humazah
105 Surah Al Fil
106 Surah Quraish
107 Surah Al Maun
108 Surah Al Kausar
109 Surah Al Kafiroon
110 Surah Al Nasr
111 Surah Al Lahab
112 Surah Al Ikhlas
113 Surah Al Falaq
114 Surah An Nas
Para / Surah


Surah Baqarah Last 3 Ayat

Few last ayat of surah Baqarah are of much importance. These Surah Baqarah last ayat holds greater benefits of Muslims more than they could even imagine specifically the Surah Baqarah last 3 ayat. Easily read the importance and Surah Baqarah last 3 ayat benefits from this page. The significance of these surah e Baqarah last 3 ayat can also be explained as anyone who knew the benefits wouldn’t go to sleep before having recited these last 3 verses of Surah Baqarah. Also access and download out carefully created Surah Baqarah last 3 ayat pdf file from here.

Surah Baqarah Pdf

Explore the richness of Surah Baqarah with our downloadable PDF files. Delve into the depth of this chapter of Holy Quran with ease by accessing the Surah al Baqarah full pdf available on this page. This comprehensive Surah Baqarah full pdf includes it Tafseer too, providing you with profound insights into its meaning. For those inclined towards its word to word translation we have also provided the Surah Baqarah pdf with Urdu translation on this page. You can also choose to immerse yourself in the Urdu or English version of translation files, these PDF files serve as invaluable resources. Simply download the Surah e Baqarah pdf directly from this page to enhance your spiritual journey.

Surah Baqarah Ki Tilawat

Experience the beauty of Surah Baqarah through our recitation offerings. Enhance your understanding by listening to the surah Baqarah ki tilawat provided here, allowing you to grasp its meaning and perfect your pronunciation. With consistent practice, you will undoubtedly gain confidence to perform surah Baqarah tilawat. Additionally, for your convenience, we have included Surah Baqarah tilawat audio files on this page. Simply play or download the recitation of Surah Baqarah mp3 file directly from this page, enabling you to immerse yourself in the spiritual journey of reciting this revered and longest surah of the Quran.

Surah Baqarah Last Ruku

The Surah Baqarah last ruku holds profound significance and importance same as the Surah Baqarah first ruku. It encompasses verses that offer guidance, mercy, and blessings to believers. This Surah al Baqarah last ruku serves as a culmination of the themes presented throughout the Surah, emphasizing the importance of faith, obedience to Allah, and seeking His forgiveness. The verses contained within the last ruku of Surah Baqarah provide reassurance to believers, reminding them of Allah's mercy and forgiveness, and urging them to remain steadfast in their faith.  Overall, the Surah e Baqarah last ruku serves as a source of spiritual guidance and inspiration for believers, encouraging them to uphold their faith and seek Allah's mercy and forgiveness in all aspects of their lives.

Surah Baqarah Tarjuma

Discover the profound meanings of Surah Baqarah in your preferred language effortlessly through this page. Whether you seek its interpretation in English, Urdu, Arabic, or any other language, we offer a user-friendly platform for you to delve into the depths of this sacred chapter of the Quran. By providing Surah Baqarah tarjuma in various languages, our aim is to foster a deeper understanding and spiritual connection with its teachings. With just a few simple steps, you can access Surah Baqarah tarjuma ke sath. Expand your knowledge and enrich your spiritual journey through the Surah Baqarah translations files available on this page.

Surah Baqarah MP3 Download

People who wish to experience the spiritual journey of listening to the recitation of Surah Baqarah with ease through our provided Surah al Baqarah audio mp3 file, available on this page. Immerse yourself in the divine verses of the Quran and strengthen your connection with Allah Almighty. The Surah Baqarah mp3 recitation file offered here is designed to refresh your belief in Islam and deepen your understanding of its teachings. With our convenient "Surah Baqarah mp3 download" option, you can effortlessly save this recitation to your mobile phones or laptops, allowing you to access it anytime, anywhere. Also you can share this surah al Baqarah mp3 file with your friends and family from this page.

Surah Baqarah with Urdu Translation

Unlock the profound meaning of Surah Baqarah with Urdu translation effortlessly on this page, immersing yourself in its spiritual depth and significance. Through this page, you can explore the comprehensive Surah al Baqarah with Urdu translation, comprehending its essence word by word. Whether you prefer reading or listening, we provide convenient options for both experiences. Download the Surah e Baqarah with Urdu translation text file directly from this page for offline access and study, ensuring uninterrupted reflection on its teachings. Furthermore, enrich your understanding by downloading the surah Baqarah with Urdu translation and Tafseer, offering insightful explanations of this reverend surah.

Surah Al Baqarah English Translation

Access the reflective teachings of Surah Baqarah through its English translation available on this page, making its timeless wisdom accessible to all. With our resources, delving into the essence of Surah Baqarah becomes effortless, empowering you to grasp its message with clarity and depth. Immerse yourself in the Surah al Baqarah English translation provided here, gaining insights into its spiritual significance and practical guidance. This Surah Baqarah English translation has been provided here for the convenience of individual who understands the English better. Furthermore, download and experience the spiritual journey by listening to Surah Baqarah in English in audio format from this page.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How many ayat in Surah Baqarah?

A: There are total 286 Ayat in Surah Baqarah.

Q: How many rukus in Surah Baqarah?

A: Total 40 Rukus are included in the Surah Baqarah.

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