Ics Admission in Kashmir

Colleges/Uni Name Location Contact # Program Sector Rating
Cadet College Palandri Azad KashmirCadet College Palandri Azad KashmirCadet College Palandri Azad Kashmir05825-960000, 960003
  • ICS Computer Science
N/A0 *
Govt College of Education BaghGovt College of Education BaghBagh Azad Kashmir058720960014
  • ICS Computer Science
Public0 *
Govt Degree College for Women Palandri AJKGovt Degree College for Women Palandri AJKPalandri, District Poonch, Azad Jammu & KashmirN/A
  • ICS Computer Science
Public0 *
Govt Degree College Sehnsa AJKGovt Degree College Sehnsa AJKSehnsa, District Kotli, Azad Jammu & Kashmir92-456 208
  • ICS Computer Science
Private0 *
Govt Khan Muhammad Khan Degree College Palandri AJKGovt Khan Muhammad Khan Degree College Palandri AJKPalandri, District Poonch, Azad Jammu & KashmirN/A
  • ICS Computer Science
Public0 *
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