Fa Universities in Bahauddin

Colleges/Uni Name Location Contact # Program Sector Rating
Punjab Group of Colleges Mandi Baha-ud-DinPunjab Group of Colleges Mandi Baha-ud-DinNew Rasool Road Near XEN WAPDA Office Mandi Baha-ud-Din+92 546 520655-8
  • FA
  • FA General Science
Private5 *
Riphah International College Mandi BahauddinRiphah International College Mandi BahauddinRiphah International College Mandi Bahauddin0313-8608285
  • FA
Private0 *
Stars Academy Mandi BahauddinStars Academy Mandi BahauddinGhega House Phalia Road Near Eiffel Town, Mandi Bahaudin.0345-0202202
  • FA
Private0 *
Superior Group of Colleges Mandi BahaudinSuperior Group of Colleges Mandi BahaudinSatt Sira Chowk, Mandi Bahaudin+92 546 571331-4
  • FA
Private5 *
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