Every year thousands of students from all over the world participate in Cambridge examinations. Likewise this year the examination of China for Cambridge International AS Level Information Technology and English Language Cambridge examinations is also conducted throughout the world. But this year proud of Pakistan two brilliant Pakistani students, Maaz Ali Nadeem, and Aqsa Khan who are studying in 12th grade at Pakistan Embassy College Beijing scored the world's highest marks in the Cambridge exams which shows the education quality in Pakistan.
Cambridge International Examinations
The General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced (A) Levels of the University of Cambridge, is the “gold standard” of Cambridge International Examinations qualifications and is taken throughout the world. As for taking admission in the world’s major universities “A” Level grades can pave the path for success and further bright future of students.
Information Technology The World’s Future
Maaz Ali said in his interview “The reason I choose to learn IT is that I want to do something with Artificial Intelligence (AI), and develop a customized robot to help people in need to facilitate their daily life.” At this younger age, he has a firm belief that the skillset and knowledge that he has learned in the field of IT from China would be a great resource in the future technological development of Pakistan.
Maaz Ali while expressing his passion for IT said that Information Technology is the future of the world and my life career. Having an optimistic approach towards the future of Pakistan he added that Pakistan should also catch the technological trend and develop IT as advanced as China.
Secret Behind Attaining Highest Marks
World highest marks achiever Aqsa Khan expressed her passion and devotion towards the English literature as she was quiet and confident in gesture with a masterpiece by Dante at her hand. She told the secret behind her success of being able to gain an “A” level in the exam is the dedication and focus towards her one goal.
As for the Future, she expressed her keen interest in journalism as being the daughter of the press counselor at Embassy of Pakistan, Beijing she wants to follow her mother’s path as a journalist can explore the broad world with passion and motivation towards the true goal.
Motivation For All Pakistani Students
With the proved quality of education in two sectors of education Information Technology and English like Maaz and Aqsa each and, every student can achieve their true goal and make their country proud. These two brilliant students have not just made their country proud but also paved the path of success by providing motivation to all young students. However, this the strongest proof that Pakistani youth is talented in English and IT like every other field.