Punjab Examination Commission has Announced 5th and 8th class result on 31 March. The student who gave brilliant in 5th and 8th class exams they have an expectation for good results in exams and the students who gave their normal efforts in exams they look forward to passing in results. But some students of PEC 5th and 8th class who have not too interested in exams and now they will surely face failures. The number of students of a PEC 5th class for result is excited to move on in 6th class after passing exams. According to PEC after passing the exams of board 8th class, the students can persuade 9th class. 9th class a.k.a (also known as) Metric part one, Student is curious about 9th class subjects that
what is better for them. There are three options for 9th class students
- Bio-Science
- Computer Science
- Arts
The student who wants to become a medical student Bioscience is the base class for them. As a student who wants to become an Engineer, they would definitely choose computer science and persuade their future. Now, the candidates who will choose Arts they can be persuaded with management field etc. Therefore, there are a lot of things in a student’s minds; they would be positive emotions or negative emotions. Positive emotions for those who would pass PEC 5th and 8th class and can persuade with their future studies. These types of students could be happy because of their efforts and their families make a plan of outing or some surprises for them. On the other hand, the students who would be passed with low numbers or face failure, they will be depressed and think about how to face their parents, friends and family members. Feelings or emotions are a very common ingredient in our life. If the students are satisfied with their 5th and 8th class results they would energetic feelings for next class. And if they are not or they are disheartened from their failure, they will be angry too but there is a lesson for those students to study heard and makes their position strong.