The Islamia University of Bahawalpur has notified with the submission of admission forms for the upcoming examination and fee schedule according to which all students are advised to submit their fee charges. However, the university has also given the notification for the commencement of the supplementary examination, 2019 that is going to be conducted for the M.A/MSc (Previous & Final regular/ Comprehensive/ Composite) exam session for the fresh registered and failed/ external/ late college candidates. According to the provided schedule, the examination session will start from 7th April 2020. However, further details regarding the fee schedule and receipt of admission forms are as follows.
Fee Schedule of Fresh Candidates
The admission fee of fresh candidates (BWP Division) for M.A (Composite) without practical is PKR 5000 per exam. However (M.A/MSc Composite) with practical is PKR 7000. Likewise, the fresh candidates (Out of BWP Division) for M.A (Composite) without practical is PKR 5000 plus PKR 5000 per exam out of jurisdiction fee one time only will be charged. However (M.A/MSc Composite) will have to submit with practical is PKR 7000 plus PKR 5000 per exam out of jurisdiction fee one time only.
Fee Schedule of Failure Candidates
All those students who are failed candidates of the BWP Division for M.A (Composite) without practical are PKR 5000 per exam. However (M.A/MSc Composite) with practical is PKR 7000. All the failed candidates (Out of BWP Division) for M.A (Composite) without practical is PKR 5000 plus PKR 5000 per exam out of jurisdiction fee one time only will be charged. However (M.A/MSc Composite) will have to submit with practical is PKR 7000 plus PKR 5000 per exam out of jurisdiction fee one time only.
Fee Schedule of LCC Candidates
The admission fee for M.A (Composite) examination for LLC candidates without practical will be charged PKR 5000 per exams and the fee charges of (M.A/MSc Composite) with practical fees will be PKR 70000.
Dates for Submission of Admission Forms
All candidates are informed that the last date for submitting admission forms without late fee is 7th April 2020. The candidates who will submit admission forms with late fee have to submit PKR 2000 till 2nd March 2020. However, the last date to submit admission forms with Double fee is 16th March 2020 and for the candidates who will submit admission forms with the triple fee the last date is 24th March 2020.