Lahore: University of the Punjab has issued a new admission policy according to which the students who have completed their degree Master’s or BS Hons degree in any program will not be permitted to get admission again in the same level.
Also, the aspirants would not be able to get admission in any diploma soon after the completion of their degree program.
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As per the new sources, the university has taken this decision keeping in view the current academic environment of the university.
As, most of the students in university gets admission again and again in various academic programs not to obtain a degree but to stay to make their stay in the university for a longer period of time and hence the varsity has taken this decision of not offering admission to the students again in the same program who have completed their degree already.
According to the new admission policy, any student who has completed his/her master’s degree in any program will not be allowed to get admission again in another master’s level program.
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Likewise, any student who has completed his/her BS.Hons degree in any program will not be allowed to get admission in any other BS.Hons program.
Furthermore, the students who have completed their degree and wish to get admission in any diploma will have to wait for two year after the completion of their degrees as according to the new admission policy gap of two years is compulsory to get admission any diploma.
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The university management while talking to media sources said that, the main reason behind enforcing this policy is to stop those aspirants who use these tactics of getting admission in the same level again but in different programs to stay in the university for a longer period and to ruin the academic environment of varsity.
This new admission policy has been accepted by the Deans committee of university of the Punjab (PU).