Lahore: The vice chancellor of the university of Health Sciences has announced the date of supplementary examination of medical and dental professionals. In their notification the UHS management has advised to follow some instructions during exams. The standard operating procedure will be applicable in exams hall during exams.
There is good news for the students who are abroad and those who are fighting with coronavirus. These students are advised to inform the college management for the exception of examination.
A special examination will be conducted for the students who are abroad or having covid-19.

Universities of health sciences Lahore has now clarified that no student would be promoted without passing exams to the next class.
All the medical universities have decided jointly that the supplementary exams will be conducted and no student will be promoted to next class without passing the exams. If the supplementary examinations are not conducted then the students will remain in the previous classes. The students who are in final year will stay in the same class if the supplementary examinations are not conducted and such students will not be able to perform the house job in July.
After Ramadan and Eid-ul-fitr the MBBS and BDS supplementary examinations will be held on 1st June 2020. Before this these exams were postponed due to a coronavirus outbreak. Now the final decision of UHS has come regarding supplementary exams. The exams will start on 1st June 2020 but the following SOPs will be obvious for the candidates to follow and by the management of the examinations during examinations.
- Special arrangements will be made at all test centers for coronavirus pre-treatment.
- Candidates will reach the examination centers on time.
- Candidates will be wearing masks during exams.
- The candidates won’t be allowed to sit in exams if he/ she is not wearing a mask.
- All the candidates will bring their small hand sanitizer bottle with them.
- Hand washing and hand sanitizer will also be provided at examination centers.
- Thermal screening facility will be given at the entering gates of examination centers and the candidates will be checked with thermal screening tests.
- The supervisors and examination staff will be tested for coronavirus RTPCR test.