The wait is finally over as the Abbottabad Board Matric Date Sheet for the year 2023 has been announced. The Board has officially released the matric date sheet for both regular and private students, giving students ample time to prepare and gear up for their upcoming exams. The Board has provided a clear schedule of the exams for each science and arts group subject, along with the time and dates. According to BISE Abbottabad SSC date sheet 2023, exams are starting from next month. Students who still haven’t checked their BISE Abbottabad board matric date sheet 2023 yet, can access it from this page. The board is also announcing the matric roll number slips soon. Abbottabad Board usually releases the roll number slips 10 to 15 days before the exams. Also, check out our highly recommended matric exam preparation material below from this page.
BISE Abbottabad 10th Class Date Sheet 2023
Attention all students of the Abbottabad Board! Students who were anxiously waiting, the date sheet for 10th class 2023 is finally here and available for download form this page. Abbottabad Board conducts the written and practical/ viva voce exams consecutively. According to the Abbottabad Board10th Class Date Sheet 2023, the written exams are starting from 28th April 2023, and the Abbottabad board will conduct the last written exam on 17th May 2023. The first 10th class practical exam will be held on 22nd May 2023, and the practical/ viva voce exams will finish on 24th May 2023. Good luck and try your best to prepare for the exams.
BISE Abbottabad 9th Class Date Sheet 2023
We are here to announce that the Abbottabad board will conduct the first annual 9th class exams from next month. Regular and private students affiliated with Abbottabad board can access their 9th Class Date Sheet 2023 BISE Abbottabad Board from this page without any difficulty. According to the released date sheet written exams for the 9th class will begin from 28th April 2023 and will finish on 18th May 2023. Right after that the board will start conducting the 9th class practical/ viva voce exams. The first 9th class practical exams will be conducted on 25th May 2023 and the last will be on 27th April 2023. BISE Abbottabad Roll number slips for 9th class students will also be released really soon.
BISE Abbottabad 10th Class Board Exams Preparation:
We recommend you to prepare for your 10th class exams from our exam preparation material. This will help you to manage your time effectively and cover all the topics before the exams. And choose the right preparation material to prepare for the exams. Our preparation material will provide you with a structured approach to learning and precise and accurate exam answers. All students are advised to check the date sheet carefully and plan their exam preparation accordingly. Our preparation material includes 10th class guess papers, 10th class video lectures of all subjects, 10th class past papers and 10th class online mcqs test. This educational material has been comprised and arranged by our experienced teachers so without a doubt students will be able to prepare better for their 10th class exams by preparing from our provided preparation material.
How to Prepare For 9th Class Board Exams:
9th class board exams are really important for students as most of the students are experiencing the board exams for the first time. For the students new to board exams we recommend not to panic just prepare for your exams according to a proper schedule and good study material. We have also provided our 9th class exam preparation material on this page. Students can prepare our 9th class guess papers to get familiar with the important area of any particular subject. Students can also access our 9th class video lectures of all subjects to clear their doubts before the exams. Students who think they are fully prepared for the exams should try out our 9th class past papers and 9th class online mcqs test to assess their preparation.
Here’s How to Download the BISE Abbottabad Matric Date Sheet 2023:
The BISE Abbottabad matric date sheet for 2023 is now available for downloading by all 9th and 10th class students from this page. The BISE Abbottabad matric date sheet contains all information regarding the Abbottabad 10th and 9th class students' written and practical exams, including exam dates, timings, and other details. Students can easily download the Abbottabad board's matric first annual date sheet to their laptops, smartphones, or any other device by using the download button provided in front of the date sheet title. For their convenience of students, date sheet can be accessed from the links given on this page. Students can also view the recently declared matric date sheets 2023 of the following KPK boards: