KEMU MBBS 1st professional year practical/viva annual date sheet 2022 was released by the King Edward Medical University on 1st December 2022. All the KEMU students can view the MBBS 1st professional year practical/viva annual date sheet 2022 and their roll numbers on KEMU’s official website and on our page too. The exams will be starting this month. According to the KEMU date sheet, MBBS 1st professional year practical/viva annual exams will start from 12th December 2022 and will end on 24th December 2022. The KEMU MBBS practical/viva exams 2022 will happen in the form of groups, i.e. GROUP A, GROUP B, GROUP C etc. All the students are divided into groups according to their roll numbers and different groups have exams on different days. The timing of the exams will be from 9 am onwards. KEMU students can check their exam group from the King Edward Medical University MBBS 1st professional year date sheet 2022.
The name of the KEMU MBBS practical/viva exam subjects are given below:
KEMU conducts MBBS annual exams every year (professional year-wise) and announces the MBBS date sheets in order to notify the students about those exams. KEMU, Lahore is one of the oldest and highly ranked medical universities in Pakistan. Thousands of students from all over Pakistan apply to King Edward Medical University for undergraduate and postgraduate programs, but due to the limited number of seats, only few get selected. Students can view previous all King Edward Medical University MBBS date sheets on our website: