Peshawar, Chief Minister of KPK Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Ameer Haider Khan Hoti has announced free Laptop Scheme 2012 for the 25,000 brilliant students of that province in the last week of December 2012.
This decision was made during a meeting in Chief Minister;s Secretariat in the presence of Chief Minister Ameer Haider Khan itself. After the meeting this news was revealed to the media that in Punjab Laptop Scheme is working in benefits of the student so it is decided that students of KPK will also awarded with laptop next month.
In the first session of laptop distribution it will distributed to those students who are from 4-year bachelor (BS) Program and those who are from Medical and Engineering programs. After the meeting in the press briefing Chief Minister KPK told that 2% quota was reserved for all the disable students of KPK of BS, Medical and Engineering institutions. One important note is that those students who are in master degree program even in public sector or Private sector are not included in this scheme as this decision will made after the first session completion that whether more laptop are required for the students or not.
This Scheme was named as ‘Naway Sahar Scheme’ and provincial government has allocated Rs 1 Billion for this program as CM KPK said that approximate 25,000 laptop will be distributed among the brilliant students and the cost of each laptop is Rs. 40,000/- More added he said that the number of laptop can be increased if each laptop price is below the estimation cost.
Ameer Haider Khan Hoti also described the eligibility criteria for the students that those students who are apply from the semester systems must have got 75% marks in those who are from annual examination system will have 65%. In this meeting all the talk is not revolves around the laptop scheme but also on the budget 2012-13. In this meeting Hoti was also informed that the oil and gas company would be finalized soon in this present month.
This meeting is very useful in sense of all the special indicatives of the government is reviewed in this meeting including Health, Agriculture, Higher Education, Elementary and Secondary Education, Transport, Information Technology, Energy and power & Science.
In this meeting the chief sectary and administrative secretaries of different departments were also present. Recently there are many project started in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa which are Bacha Khan Khpal Rozgar Scheme, Hunarmand Rozgar Scheme and Stori Da Pakhtunkhwa and Rokhana Pakhtunkhwa Scheme so Mr Hoti said that he is satisfied on these projects.