The federal board of intermediate and secondary education, FBISE announces the final schedule for the 12th class result announcement. According to the given schedule, the FBISE 12th class results 2021 will officially be announced on Monday, September 27th, 2021. The result will be accessible from 2:00 PM onwards. For the result ceremony, Mr. Shafqat Mahmood, the Federal Minister of Education & Professional Training will be the chief guest. The federal board of education conducted the final examination session of the 12th class in July. All students who appeared for the 12th class final examination session and are waiting for the result are advised to be patient until the given result schedule.
How To Check FBISE 12th Class Result 2021
Here we share a general idea with FBISE 12th class students that every year the result is announced on the official website of the federal board of education. FBISE final result 2021 of almost all the classes is also going to be announced on the official website of federal board. So, we advise all students to visit the FBISE official web portal on the said result schedule. However, if you find any inconvenience in checking results, then must contact your respective colleges or the controller of examination of the federal board of education. Moreover, until the final announcement keep visiting Ilmkidunya for all other updates.