ETEA has announced the test result for the post of junior clerk in the KP police department. Earlier the KP police department had invited Job applications from the eligible candidates. The test was conducted on 3rd January 2021 and the Education Testing and Evaluation Agency usually declares the result within 24 hours. Before the test, the agency issues the roll number slips to the candidates that contain the information about the exam schedule. Moreover, the syllabus was also announced to facilitate the candidates in the preparation of the test.
ETEA Result 2021
After the commencement of the test, the appeared candidates intend to know about their marks and the eligibility for the further selection process. It is informed to the candidates that they can now access the ETEA result 2021 and determine their performance in the test. According to the ETEA, a large number of candidates appeared for the test conducted to select the candidates for the post of junior clerk in the KP Police department. KP police department is responsible to maintain the law and the stand against the evils of society. Many people aim to join the police department and many vacancies are announced throughout the year to provide job opportunities to the candidates. Now the competent authority will provide the interview schedule to the short-listed candidates. The selected candidates will be called for the interview for the final selection against the junior clerk jobs.