FPSC CSS Written Examination Schedule 2023 Announced
Those students who have completed their bachelor’s degree will be glad to know that FPSC or Federal public service commission has officially announced the CSS Written Examination 2023 Schedule. Many CSS applicants have been waiting for this good news for the whole year.
CSS applicants who are enrolled for CSS written examination preparation will not be able to accurately plan their CSS written examination execution plan and prepare themselves for the challenges for their upcoming CSS written examination 2023.

CSS Written Examination 2023
The CSS written examination has been schedule to be held on 1st February 2023 on Wednesday. Students and CSS applicants will now have to set their study objectives in order to cover the prescribed CSS written examination syllabus as time is of the essence.
CSS MTP Test 2023
CSS applicants will have to qualify for the mandatory MTP in order to secure their position for the upcoming CSS written examination 2023. The qualifying threshold for MTP is 33%. The MPT test comprising 200 marks will include syllabus topics from Islamic studies, English, Urdu, General Knowledge, current affairs, everyday science and General abilities.
The MTP test that has to be passed for attempting CSS Written examination is schedule to take place on 2nd October 2022 on the day of Sunday. CSS applicants must be ready for the MPT examination if they are to succeed any further.
CSS Written Examination Eligibility 2023
The CSS applicants must understand the announced requirements for attempting CSS written examination 2023. CSS applicants must have obtained any Bachelor’s degree with 2nd division grade and must be in the age bracket from 21 year to 30 years with 31-12-2022 being the cut off date in order to be eligible for attempting CSS written examination 2023.
CSS Written Examination Age Relaxation
Certain CSS applicants are provided special two year age relaxation under the categories listed under CSS CE Rules 2019 onwards. Special persons are also provided age relation for attempting CSS written examination.
CSS applicants must prepare themselves through CSS past paper and understand the paper pattern which will greatly help them in scoring high marks. CSS applicants must also attempt the previous CSS written examination past papers in order to calculate their exam time and improve upon it.
CSS written examination applicants must be careful when choosing their optional subjects as they must choose only those in which they have competency and complete grip otherwise they will loose their chance and opportunity to improve and change their life.
CSS Syllabus PDF
The CSS applicants who wish to successfully attempt and pass their CSS written examination must have completely covered FPSC official announced CSS Syllabus PDF. CSS applicants and students can easily obtain their CSS written examination syllabus from the provided links.