Today on 10th December 2020, the 40000 premium prize bond result has been announced in Hyderabad. It is pertinent to mention here that the premium prize bonds are only issued with CNIC and valid bank accounts. To further catch the attention of the people the government has also declared the biannual profit for the bondholders. As per the directives of National Savings, State bank do the balloting for the Rs. 40000 premium prize bonds. 1st prize worth Rs. 80,000,000 is given to 1 lucky winner, while the three lucky winners have won the second prize of amount Rs. 30,000,000. Furthermore, the third prize of the prize bond is awarded to 660 winners of worth Rs. 500,000/- each.
Prize Bond List
The national savings will upload the Rs.40, 000 prize bond list and the people can check the details from it. A number of people had invested in the bonds but according to the result announced only a few lucky candidates have won the prize bond.
Growth in Investment Records
According to the Central Directorate of National Savings (CDNS) data, 40,000 prize bond has seen a growth of around 21% in October 2020. The government had launched the premium prize bonds three years ago in 2017 and it remained attractive among the people. The main aim to announce such prize bonds is to abolish the unregistered debt securities and to guarantee the verified income source that follows the particulars mentioned by the financial aid task force. According to the rules of the National Saving Schemes, the authority gathers all the information of the persons such as name, address, passport, and CNIC that wanted to invest in such schemes. The investors have to show the source of money related to the invested amount.