Many of you aspire to become rich and successful by attaining public job position that is highly paid job and attain respect in society by acing CSS Written Examination. The subject of International Law is very important among the world as law makers are highly respected among the society worldwide as well.
International law Syllabus
You can obtain valuable understanding and knowledge by selecting the CSS Optional Subject international law and secure a bright and prosperous future for yourself in the field of law. The international law optional subject contributes valuable 100 Marks towards you CSS written examination final score.
The CSS international law has various sections and topics included in its syllabus which includes the following topics
Origins of International Law
In this section your will gain understanding of topics like emergence of international law, the nation state system, the effectiveness of international law, the juridical basis of international law, material sources of international law.
Relation Between State law and International
Under this section you will achieve understanding of primary sources of international law, international soft law, article 38 Statute of international court of justice, among others.
State General and Recognition
In this section you will gain understanding of the subjects of law, recognition of government and state in national law, statehood in international law, personality of international law, among others.
Law and Practice (Treaties)
In this section your will gain understanding of the various rules and guidelines concerning the law of treaties, vienna convention, among others.
Settlement of the International Disputes
Under this section you will achieve understanding of non international armed conflict, POW’s, limitations on conduct of war, international and non international armed conflict, methods and meas of warfare, among others.
Use of Force
Under this section you will gain understanding of various topics like collective use of force, law after the charter, law before UN charter, the right of self defence, among others.
You will also gain understanding for other international law topics including state territorial sovereignty, state jurisdiction, international institutions, state and the individual, diplomatic envoys, the state and economic interest, succession to rights and obligations, state responsibility, diplomatic counsels and representatives, war and hostilities, neutrality among others.
International Law CSS Past Papers
You can download the previous years past papers of International Law CSS optional subject. Just click on the given below link and download past papers.
Download International Law CSS Past Papers