Students desiring to successfully pass their general science and ability css paper will have to understand its value and important in compiling and making their final grade towards passing CSS exams. Students will have to sharpen up their general science knowledge, analytical reasons, IT knowledge, math knowledge by going through general science and ability css past papers.
The paper of css general science consists of one objective and one subjective section having total of 100 marks distribution. The CSS general science and abilities paper focuses on testing the scientific knowledge, basic mathematics, algebra, analytical reasoning, quantitative abilities, logical reasoning, and mental abilities of students.
General Science and Ability CSS Syllabus
CSS candidates must go through their general science and ability css syllabus carefully as not to miss any topic and prepare all topics in order to maximize their learning potential. Students who desire to ace their CSS exams will understand the importance of revising CSS general science and ability syllabus as it will greatly improve various science, analytical reasoning and mental abilities.
General Science and Ability CSS Paper Marks Division
General science and ability css paper consists off two papers. Part-I is General Science and part-II is General Ability. The paper is the most tough because you are required to cover multiple science subject like biological sciences environmental sciences, food sciences, physical sciences in general science paper and quantitative ability, logical reasoning, mental abilities are many other topics you will study in general ability paper. There are some important tricks for this paper like past papers, research on science subjects etc. Check the marks division here:
Paper | Part | Marks |
General Science | Part-I | 60 |
General Ability | Part-II | 40 |
General Science
- Physical Sciences
- Biological Sciences
- Environmental Science
- Food Science
- Information Technology
General Ability
- Quantitative Ability/Reasoning
- Logical Reasoning and Analytical Reasoning/Ability
- Mental Abilities
CSS General Science and Ability Past Papers
No one can become expert in general science subject without studying CSS General Science and Ability past paper. Many students are lucky enough to be able to consult their General science and abilitiy css papers available to them on this page.
General Science and Ability CSS Past Papers
CSS General Science and Ability Recommended Books
CSS candidates who are preparing for their upcoming annual examination will understand the value of books for general science and ability css as without the availability of high quality reading resource material there can be no success in the final examination. Students can get the best book for general science and ability css by going through the provided links and resources below.
Students who want to achieve top grades and secure high paying, valuable job for their future must successfully pass their general science and ability for css paper. Candidates who are confused regarding their CSS syllabus or unsure of the best ways for CSS exam preparation can go through our guide regarding how to prepare general science and ability for css available to them on the page below.
Paper | Recommended Books | Author | Price |
CSS General Science and Ability Paper | General Science and Ability | Hafiz Karim Dad Chughtai Caravan | Rs. 845/- Pkr |
CSS General Science and Ability Paper | General Science and Ability | Mian Shafiq | Rs. 845/- Pkr |
CSS General Science and Ability Paper | General Science and Ability | Ch Najib Ahmad Caravan | Rs. 690/- Pkr |
CSS General Science and Ability Paper | General Science and Ability | Muhammad Akram Kashmiri | Rs. 845/- Pkr |
CSS General Science and Ability Paper Notes
Students who are preparing for CSS annual examination will understand the value of general science and ability css notes as without proper exam subject preparation by taking notes there can be no success. Students can obtain very important and detailed general science and ability css notes mentioned on this page very soon.