









Paper Pattern of CSS Exam In Pakistan

Are you looking for guidance regarding CSS paper pattern? Then worry no more as we have got you covered as you will be provided with all the necessary and latest information for CSS Exam Pattern. CSS exam is one of the most competitive examination for securing position in civil services organized by the Federal public service commission of Pakistan. Student candidates must compete against one another to secure position by following official CSS Exam Paper Pattern . Student candidates who possess high intellect and have professional attitude towards their studies can select from the Twelve departments available by going through css previous papers and understanding CSS Paper Pattern in Pakistan.

CSS Paper Pattern 2024

The paper pattern of CSS exam consists of total Twelve Papers including six compulsory subjects and six optional subjects. Student candidates must be careful not to violate any rules of CSS Paper otherwise their entire paper will be cancelled and they will get zero marks in their paper. Candidates who wish to successfully pass CSS Examination must attempt and understand previous pattern of CSS Exam in Pakistan. Students can prepare for required CSS Paper Pattern by going through CSS guides, recommended books, and helpful study material available to them on this page.

CSS Compulsory Subjects Paper Pattern 2024

Examination Subject Total Marks Paper Pattern
CSS Pakistan English Essay 100 Subjective = 100 Marks
CSS Pakistan English Precis & Composition 100 Objective = 20 Marks
      Subjective = 80 Marks
CSS Pakistan General Knowledge-I (General Science & Ability) 100 Objective = 20 Marks
      Subjective = 80 Marks
CSS Pakistan General Knowledge-II (Current Affairs) 100 Objective = 20 Marks
      Subjective = 80 Marks
CSS Pakistan General Knowledge-III (Pakistan Affairs) 100 Objective = 20 Marks
      Subjective = 80 Marks
CSS Pakistan Islamic Studies 100 Objective = 20 Marks
      Subjective = 80 Marks

CSS Written Exam Rules

  • Written exam consists of total 12 Papers. Six are compulsory papers and six are optional papers.
  • There will be two papers of 100 marks and each of the subjects which carry 200 marks.
  • In other subjects there will be one paper.
  • Time duration for each paper will be 03 hours.
  • The candidate should to expect some multiple choice questions (MCQs) in some compulsory and some optional subjects.
  • There is no multiple choice question (MCQS) in papers of pure mathematics, essay and applied mathematics.
  • Three papers of general knowledge-I, general knowledge-II and general knowledge-III to be passed by scoring 120 marks out of 300 marks.
  • Compulsory subjects total marks: 600
  • Optional subjects total marks: 600
  • CSS written exams total marks are 1200 and CSS passing marks are 600.
  • After passing the CSS written test, you will be called for medical, psychological, viva voce examinations.

CSS Written Exams Passing Criteria 2024

Federal public service commission, set the passing criteria for written examinations. If a candidate secure below 40% marks in compulsory subjects and below 33% Marks in optional subjects and less then 50% marks in overall aggregate, shall be considered failed in written examinations. These candidates are not eligibile for next exams like medical & psychological exams. Important note: only written test qualified candidates, shall be called for medical & psychological test. Important Note: CSS Passing marks are 600.

Important Note

Federal public service commission has zero tolerance for cheating, unlawfulness and use of unfair. So candidates should to keep away from unethical behaviour.

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  • Altaf Hussain

    03 Dec 2024

    which are optional subjects

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