The candidates of CSS Written examination will have to study very hard and with focus and dedication if they are to pass their selected optional subject of European History. The importance of the European history subject simply cannot be underestimated.
The candidates who wish to obtain a high score for their written CSS examinations will have to study various historic eras with regard to European history. The paper for European History has total of 100 Marks and is divided into two parts.
The first part starts with The Napoleonic Era and French Revolution (1789 to 1815), The Concert of Europe(1815 to 1830), Forces of Continuity and Change in Europe (1815 to 1848), The Easter Question (1804 to 1856), Unification of Italy, Unification of Germany and The Origins of First World War (1890 to 1914).
European History Syllabus Table of Contents
- Napoleon Bonaparte and French Revolution
- Concept of Europe, Vienna Settlement and Progress of Europe
- Eastern Question and Union of Italy
- German Unification
- Colonization Growth and Empires
- League of Nations, Soviet Union and Marxism
- England and First World War
- The First World War
- Italy Fascism and Germany’s Nazism
- England role between wars and 2nd world War
- U.N.O and Rise of Russia
- France and England after 2nd world war and Europe Common Market
Napoleon Bonaparte and French Revolution
In the first part you will study French revolution discussing its background, England’s reaction, the fall of monarchy, Poland second and third partition, Terror and end of Terror. Napoleon Bonaparte rise to power, emperor, warrior and stateman, and the fall of Napoleon.
Concept of Europe, Vienna Settlement and Progress of Europe
Further you will study about the Vienna settlement, first treaty of Paris, treaty of Vienna, failure of congress system, effects of war period, progress in industry, forces of continuity, nationalism, liberalism, democracy, France revolution in 1848 and its revolution sequences in Europe.
Eastern Question and Union of Italy
You will study about Greek revolt leading to Independence 1832, The peace treaty of Paris, 1877’s Russo Turkish War, treaty of Berlin, Italy’s revolutionary movements, architects of Italian unification and Italian Unity and Italy’s Foreign policy of 1914
German Unification
You will further know about unification of Germany, revolutionary movements in Italy, architects of Italian unification, foreign policy of Italy, German revolution of 1848, rise of bismark, Denmark, austra and France wars and German foreign policy from 1890 to 1914
Colonization Growth and Empires
You will further study about growth of Colonization, British colonial policy, French colonial policy, French in north Africa, Anglo French control in Egypt and Anglo Russian results of colonia development.
England and First World War
Your will get to know England development from 1893 to 1910, constitutional reforms, culture and social thought. The road to First world war, Austro German alliance 1879, the formation of dual alliance 1891-93, French British and Russo British Entente, the caue of First world war and Balkan crises. In the second part you will study The First World War and its aftermath, Dictatorships in Europe, The second world war and its Effects on Europe, Post War Europe, Col War Europe and Europe.
The First World War
You will study about USA entry into war, choice of the Turks, Balfour declaration, Britain’s middle east policy, defeat of Germany and effects of war. The Versailles treaty, treaty of US and Versailles, treaty of Trianon and St. German, the treaty of Lausanne.
League of Nations, Soviet Union and Marxism
You will learn about leagues between the two war, causes of failure, Russian revolution, civil war in Russia, U.S.S.R constitution and Russian foreign policy.
Italy Fascism and Germany’s Nazism
You will study about effects of war on Italy, fascist party, Italian foreign policy for the wards, origin of Nazism, Hitler domestic policy, and the foreign policy of Hitler
England role between wars and 2nd world War
You will get to know French constitution defects, French foreign policy for wars, England great depression of 1929, England’s parliamentary government and England foreign policy. You will learn about the 2nd world war’s events, Tehran, Postdam and Yalta conferences, allied victory and effects of war.
U.N.O and Rise of Russia
You will learn about U.N.O, its charter and role as peace keeping force. You will learn about war effects on Russia, Warsaw pact, efforts to spread Russian influence in Easer Europe, Africa and latin America during 1945 -1960.
France and England after 2nd world war and Europe Common Market
You will study about French colonial policy after 2nd world war, fourth French republic and De Gaule’s foreign policy. You will learn about Labour party rise, labour party rule Government, England colonia policy, British common wealth, decline of England’s world power and common market.You will learn about evolution of European common market and its origin in 1960.
So learning about the CSS optional subject of European history has many benefits as it not just helps us gain out very important 100 marsks in the final written CSS examination but also enables us to learn from the European history and the mistakes and failures that were endured by the European nations and learn from them along the way.