Are you worried about not getting enough marks in your CSS pure mathematics written examination? Then don’t be as you will find all the latest information concerning CSS pure mathematics past papers as well as related CSS pure mathematics study guides, syllabus and pure mathematics recommended book links as well.
Students who are preparing for their CSS written examination need to give more proper attention to their optional subjects like CSS Pure mathematics as they also have role to play adding up to the CSS written examination total score. CSS applicants student who do not give proper attention or neglect their optional subjects will have to pay the price in their final CSS written examination.
Modern Algebra Section A
CSS students who have elected optional subject of CSS pure mathematics must remember to cover their complete syllabus comprising modern algebra which includes fundamental theorem of homomorphism, group, Lagrange theorem, normal subgroups, cyclic groups, integral domain, finite fields, ring, field extension, vector spaces, linear transformations, matrices, reduction of matrices and properties of determinants.
Calculus and Analytic Geometry Section B
CSS applicants students must also cover their calculus and analytic geometry syllabus section including section like real number, differentiability mean value theorems, indeterminate form, curve tracing, definite integrals, partial derivatives, double and triple integration, conic sections, Cartesian and spherical polar coordinates in three dimensions, the ellipsoid and the paraboloid.
Complex Variables Section C
CSS students who choose pure mathematics will also have to cover their complex variables section including demoiver’s theorem and its applications, functions of a complex variable, analytic functions, Cauchy’s integral formula, singularities, Cauchy residue theorem, fourier series, contour integration and taylor’s and laurent’s series.
Pure Mathematics CSS Syllabus PDF
Students who have elect CSS pure mathematics as their optional subject must remember to download their official CSS pure mathematics syllabus available in PDF format for their convenience and easy readability. CSS applicants students who are preparing for their CSS pure mathiematics written examination can also avail the added advantage of getting CSS pure mathematics past papers from the links available on this page. Students of CSS can also avail relevant study material, study guide, recommended book and reference book’s links available on this page as well.
CSS Pure Mathematics Past Papers
The importance, total marks, important points and syllabus of CSS Pure Mathematics paper also mentioned at top, but past papers are much needed for the best preparation of exams. Here you can download the CSS Pure Mathematics Past Papers of the previous years. Just click and find the past papers.
CSS Pure Mathematics Past Papers