The FPSC’s important CSS examination for student applicants is very important exam for getting good marks towards CSS exam total score. As CSS criminology is an optional subject CSS it plays a very important role in making up the final marks required to pass the CSS examination successfully. The CSS criminology paper comprises of a total of 100 marks.
CSS Criminology Paper Sections
CSS applicants will have to attempt their compulsory section of question 1 having 20 marks and select three questions from 8 total available questions for attempting the subjective portion carrying 80 marks towards the total 100 marks. The four questions to be selected by CSS applicants are divided into four sections.
Criminology CSS Syllabus
The CSS’s Criminology examination has various topics included in its syllabus including Crime and Criminals, Understanding criminology, Juvenile Justice System, Punitive and Reformative treatment of criminals, techniques of investigations, criminal investigation, modern concepts in contemporary criminology, Understanding criminology, among others.
Download CSS Criminology Syllabus in PDF
CSS Criminology Past Papers Significance
Students and CSS exam applicants can also obtain their CSS criminology previous papers which will significantly help them in understanding their CSS exam pattern and understanding important recurring questions appearing in previous CSS examinations, which must be practised thoroughly by attempting CSS criminology past papers on a regular basis.
Download CSS Criminology Past Papers
CSS Criminology Exam Recommended Books
Students who are preparing CSS criminology examination can also study various recommended CSS study books related to criminology, such as Juvenile Delinquency: An Integrated Approach(Jame,B), Modern Criminology: Crime, Criminal Behavior and its Control, Crime Justice and Society. An introduction to criminology (Paul,DW.), Crime Prevention: Theory and Practice (Stephen, S.), among others.